27 International Students from Thailand Landed for FEB Unpad’s Spring Program

[unpad.ac.id, 3/5/2019] The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), University of Padjadjaran organizes a “Spring Program” which will take place on May 3 to May 25, 2019 at the campus of FEB Unpad in Bandung and Jatinangor. This year, the Spring Program raised the theme “Digital Business for Future Economy”.

A total of 27 foreign students from Naresuan University, Thailand, become participants of the Spring Program this time. These students come from various fields of disciplines that will study related digital business and its impact on the economy

The students will engage in public lectures, training, lectures on digital business, environmental education, as well as company visits and learning about Indonesian culture.

The Chairperson of the 2019 Spring Program committee, Adhi Alfian said, for 3 weeks the participants not only received teaching from lecturers FEB Unpad, but also from startup business practitioners.

“We are also proud to get support from PT Pegadaian which will share its experience on digital transformation in the company with the participants. This public lecture will be open to all students of FEB Unpad and will be delivered by the Director of Information and Technology of PT Pegadaian. Later, the participants are scheduled to have a field trip to PT. Pegadaian in order to know the business more closely, “Adhi explained in a release received by the Unpad Public Communication Office.

He added, the Spring Program participants would also be asked to create Business Concepts including its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in groups for PT Pegadaian. At the end of the event, participants will present the concept in front of the Board of Directors of PT Pegadaian.

“Of course we will provide many attractive prizes for the best groups and the best presenters,” Adhi added.

Dean of FEB Unpad Yudi Azis, Ph.D., said that the theme of the Spring Program was in line with the holding of the Bachelor of Digital Business and Digital Innovation Study of FEB Unpad in 2018.

Yudi said, Naresuan University was one of FEB Unpad partners at the ASEAN level. This college is a prestigious university in Thailand. “FEB Unpad is proud to be the host of Work Integrated Learning activities from Naresuan University which is packaged in the FEB Unpad Spring Program,” Yudi said. *


Released: FEB Unpad / am | Translated by dfa

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