Unpad Maluku Corner Implements Cooperation for Progress in North Maluku Province

[unpad.ac.id, 1/15/2019] The excellent center of Unpad Maluku Corner participated in a focused group discussion with the University of Khairun (Unkhair) in North Maluku and the Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) of North Maluku Province in the Rector Building II of Unkhair, Gambesi, South Ternate, Monday (1/14).

The Unpad Maluku Corner team participated in an FGD with the University of Khairun (Unkhair) in North Maluku and the Regional Research and Development Agency (Balitbangda) of North Maluku Province at Unkhair Campus II Rectorate Building, Gambesi, South Ternate, Monday (14 / 1). *

This activity was held to see the potential for cooperation that could be carried out for the progress of North Maluku Province.

The event was opened by Unkhair Deputy Rector I Dr. Suratman Sudjud, SP, MP, continued with the presentation of the superior programs from each party and the discussion of potential cooperation that will be conducted from 2019-2020. The presentation was carried out by the Chairperson of Unkhair LPPM Nurhasanah, M.Sc, Head of the North Maluku Provincial Research and Development Agency Mulyadi Wowor and Chair of the Unpad Maluku Corner of Unpad, Dr.Ir. Reginawanti Hindersah, MP.

Based on the results of the FGD, several programs that will be followed up include those related to processing and improving the quality of fisheries and agricultural products, improving land functions for agriculture and food production, optimizing livestock systems, compiling mining blueprints in North Maluku, and so on.

The representatives from Unpad Maluku Corner in this event were Dr. Emma Rochima, SPi., M.Sc, Dr. Andre Rivianda Daud, S.Pt, M.Sc, and Dr. Maret Priyanta, SH, MH.

The participants from Khairun University and North Maluku Province included representatives of the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Law, Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Ternate City and North Maluku Province Fisheries Service, and the Research and Development Unit of Ministry of Agriculture . *

Release: Maluku Corner Unpad / art | Translated by dfa

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