Unpad Establishes Cooperation with Two National Industries

[unpad.ac.id, 1/23/2019] Rector of Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the President Director of PT Gametraco Tunggal Johan Soedibjo about Education, Research and Community Engagement. The signing was conducted in the Rector’s Room, Jatinangor campus, Unpad Rectorate Building, Wednesday (23/1).

Rector of Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad after signing a Memorandum of Understanding with President Director of PT Gametraco Tunggal Johan Soedibjo in the Rector’s Room, Jatinangor Campus, Unpad Rectorate Building, Wednesday (23/1). (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

On this occasion the Rector said that collaboration is a necessity to achieve goals. With cooperation, the existing resources will be more optimal. The benefits of this collaboration are also expected to influence the community.

“Unpad wants to be as strong as possible in contributing to society,” said the Rector.

The Rector added that Unpad was very concerned about the environment, in accordance with the Unpad Principal Scientific Pattern “Prominent Law and Environment in National Development”. For this reason, the development activities that will be carried out by Gametraco are expected to pay attention to environmental and aesthetic aspects. In addition, regulatory aspects are also important to note.

Unpad collaboration with Gametraco itself has been well established a few years ago. In 2016, Gametraco handed over a campus transportation car unit to Unpad. The Rector hoped, a good collaboration can continue to be developed.

“If there are already good things, we will follow up in the future,” He hoped.

This was welcomed by Johan Soedibjo. Johan also hoped that Unpad and Gametraco cooperation can bring benefits to Unpad academic staffs, particularly related to telecommunications facilities.

PT Gametraco itself is a company engaged in the provision of telecommunications services. One of the activities to be carried out is the installation of shared telecommunications towers.

“The principle of cooperation is indeed to be mutually beneficial,” He said.


Cooperation with PT. Kareem Rakeen Biotechnology

On the same day, the Rector also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Director of PT Kareem Rakeen Biotechnology, Isnandar, in the Rector’s Room of Jatinangor campus, Unpad Rectorate Building. The signing was done to build a collaborative network in the field of Higher Education Tridarma.

Rector of Unpad Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Director of PT Kareem Rakeen Biotechnology, Isnandar. (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

As an industry engaged in biotechnology, this company encourages research collaboration to produce various renewable technology products. This effort was immediately appreciated by the Rector.

“In the era of downstreaming, we were only adopting people’s technology. Now we have to develop it ourselves,” said the Rector.

Cooperation with universities is expected to bridge the industry in conducting research and development processes. Unpad itself is ready to facilitate the research activities that will be carried out by PT Kareem Rakeen. *


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana and Arief Maulana | Translated by dfa

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