Two Professors of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Unpad were Elected as Members of the National Board of the Indonesian Accountants Association 2018-2022

Photograph with members of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants Association (DPN IAI) National Board of Directors 2018-2022. Two Professors of the FEB Unpad, Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani NS., M.Sc., Ak., CA., and Prof. Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.Sc., Ak., CA, were elected as members of the IAI Management Board. *

[, 16/12/2018] Two Professors of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Unpad, Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani NS., M.Sc., Ak., CA., and Prof. Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.Sc., Ak., CA, were chosen to be members of the National Board of Indonesian Accountants Association (DPN IAI) for the period of 2018-2022.

Photograph with members of the National Board of Indonesian Accountants Association (DPN IAI). Two Professors of the FEB Unpad, Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani NS., M.Sc., Ak., CA., and Prof. Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.Sc., Ak., CA, were elected as members of the IAI Management Board. *

Prof. Sri and Prof. Nunuy were chosen to be members based on the results of the voting conducted at the XIII Congress of IAI which was held at Balai Kartini, Jakarta, 11-13 December 2018. Some of these congressional agendas, namely electing the chairperson and members of the National Governing Board, the chairperson and members of the Advisory Board, and the chairperson and members of the Honorary Board.

In the voting, Prof. Sri won 586 votes and ranked 6th. While Prof. Nunuy received 562 votes and ranked 8th.

The election of two professors from the Accounting Department of FEB Unpad is a manifestation of the trust given by accountants to the institution. During this time, Prof. Sri and Prof. Nunuy have been actively involved in activities around the accounting profession.

Prof. Nunuy is the Chairperson of the Indonesian Accountants Association, Compartment of Educator Accountants for 2 periods of 2014-2018, and is a professor in the field of Public Sector Accounting and Government. Prof. Nunuy has worked for 20 years in government accounting.

While Prof. Sri is the coordinator of Accounting Information System Lecturer Forum of Indonesian Accountants Association, Compartment of Educator Accountants from 2014 to the present. She is known as an academic in the field of accounting information systems that already had a variety of international publications that are mutated.

The IAI XIII Congress event was accompanied by the implementation of the IAI 61st Anniversary Seminar themed “The Inclusive Role of Accountants Profession Towards 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. The activity held every 4 years was attended by around 1,000 accountants from all over Indonesia.

This congress was officially opened by Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the State Palace on Tuesday (11/12). *


Release: Lidya Wulan Sari / am | Translated by dfa

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