Unpad Students Design Applications to Facilitate Coordination of the Committee

The "Rock Bottom" Team of Unpad, Patricia Joanne, Muhammad Raihan Akbar, and Muhammad Rifqy Aulia Akbar, and supervisors Mira Suryani, S.Pd., M.Kom. won second place at the National Student and Information and Communication Technology Field ( Gemastik) 11 categories of User Experience (UX) held at the Ten November Institute of Technology campus, Surabaya, 1-3 November 2018. *

[unpad.ac.id, 11/10/2018] Designing an application to facilitate the planning and management of an event, three Informatics Engineering students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Unpad won second place in the National Student Show in Information and Communication Technology (Gemastik) 11 categories of User Experience (UX). The event was held at the Ten November Institute of Technology campus, Surabaya, 1-3 November 2018.

The “Rock Bottom” Team of Unpad, Patricia Joanne, Muhammad Raihan Akbar, and Muhammad Rifqy Aulia Akbar, and supervisors Mira Suryani, S.Pd., M.Kom. won second place at the National Student and Information and Communication Technology Field ( Gemastik) 11 categories of User Experience (UX) held at the Ten November Institute of Technology campus, Surabaya, 1-3 November 2018. *

The three students were Patricia Joanne, Muhammad Raihan Akbar, and Muhammad Rifqy Aulia Akbar, with supervisors Mira Suryani, S.Pd., M.Kom. Those who joined the “Rock Bottom” team made a digital application for smartphone, which was named the Monitoring Committee App or “Monica”.

“Monica is a mobile application like social media that is developed to support committee features,” said Rifqy when met at the Unpad Public Relations Room, Jatinangor campus Unpad Rector Building, Friday (11/10).

This application facilitates user in communicating both in one division and across divisions of the committee through text, voice and video messages.

According to Patricia and the team, this application will also make it easier for those who are active in several committees or events at once. The users will be more focused and directed in carrying out their respective duties.

In addition to the message sharing feature, several other features contained in the application include storage media for image and sound data, reminder notifications of activities that must be done, menu of submission of goods, and so on.

Acknowledged by all three, this application is still a prototype and still needs to be developed. Surveys to a number of respondents have also been carried out for better application development.

“In the future there will be features that we develop again,” said Patricia.

Besides Patricia and the team, Unpad also won second place in the Software Development category at Gemastik 11. Overall, Unpad was ranked ninth with the acquisition of 2 silver from 3 teams competing in the final. *


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana | Translated by dfa

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