Held an International Seminar, Unpad Introduced Sustainability Science Study Program as a Solution to Environmental Problems

[unpad.ac.id, 10/10/2018] To disseminate sustainability science in Indonesia, Unpad through the Graduate School and the Center for Environmental Excellence and Sustainability Sciences held the 3rd Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 “Ecology and Sustainability Science: from Theory to Practice “, at the Grand Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel, Bandung, Tuesday (9/10). The event was held as one of the commemoration of Unpad’s 61st Anniversary.

Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, and Academic Corporation Dr. Keri Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt., at the opening of the 3rd Conference on Sustainability Science 2018 “Ecology and Sustainability Science: from Theory to Practice”, at the Bidakara Hotel Grand Savoy Homann, Bandung, Tuesday (9 / 10) (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

“In our country, not many people understand about sustainability science. Unpad itself is the only university in Indonesia to open a sustainability science study program, “said the Chair of the Unpad Sustainability Science Study Program and the Chair of the event’s Committee Dr. Susanti Withaningsih, M.Sc.

The activity which was held in collaboration between Unpad and the Greening of Industry Network (GIN) was attended by 125 participants from 7 countries, including academics, practitioners, and the government. The program included a session panel and parallel session which was held until Wednesday (10/10).

“The parallel session is for researchers who want to present the results of their research related to Ecology and Sustainability Science from various themes,” said Dr. Susanti.

The theme raised in the speakers’ presentation was Ecology, Conservation, Ecosystem Services; Ecology, Bio-economy and Circular Economy; Ecology, Business and Policy; Ecology, Governance and Policy; Ecology, Industry and Supply Chains; Ecology, Resilience, and Environmental Vulnerability; Ecology, Rural and Urban Development; Inclusive Education for Ecology and Sustainability Sciences; and Social and Technological Innovations in Ecology and Sustainability Science.

Dr. Susanti explained that from the incoming papers, the best paper will be selected to be published in the indexed journal Scopus: Cleaner Production; Resources, Conservation and Recycling, and Bookchapter Greening of Industry Network Studies. While other papers will be published in the Scopus IOP Conference Series indexed proceedings.

“Hopefully more and more people will learn about sustainability science as an approach in research or as a new branch of science, which is expected to solve environmental problems that occur at this time,” hoped Dr. Susanti.

The event was officially opened by the Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, and Academic Corporation, Dr. Keri Lestari, S.Si., M.Si., Apt. In her speech, Dr. Keri hoped that this conference will become a medium for sharing information and disseminating research results. The conference was also expected to benefit the community, including as input for the government in making policies.

“Hopefully we can develop cooperation, not just stop until this conference,” hoped Dr. Keri.

According to Dr. Keri, the science of sustainability is one of the important issues to understand, where interdipedence and transdisciplinary collaboration is needed through the Pentahelix concept. Unpad also has special attention to the concept of sustainability. Various studies at Unpad have been directed at the concept of sustainability, especially to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“It can be said that today is an important moment for us to discuss important issues that will benefit future generations,” said Dr. Keri. *


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana | Translated by dfa

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