Faculty of Psychology Commemorated 57th Anniversary

[unpad.ac.id, 8/10/2018] The Faculty of Psychology (Fapsi) Unpad held a ceremony to commemorate the 57th Anniversary which was held at the Unpad Faculty of Agriculture Campus, Jatinangor, Saturday (6/10). The ceremony was attended by leaders, faculty members, lecturers, students, education staffs, alumni, and invited guests.

The commemoration ceremony was filled with the report from the Dean Dr. Hendriati Agustiani, M.Sc.

“A sense of togetherness has encouraged us to provide the best for the Faculty of Psychology Unpad,” said Dr. Hendriati.

In the report, various achievements of Fapsi Unpad has been conveyed in the past year, including the development of human resource capacity, student achievement reports, educational efficiency figures, cooperation, and other institutional achievements.

The commemoration ceremony was also filled with delivery of scientific speeches by Dr. Achmad Djunaidi, M.Sc., Psychologist, with the title “Psychological Awareness and Progress of the Nation”; a Bachelor’s Degree Oath, Psychologist’s Oath, and the inauguration of Doctoral Psychology graduate. *

Reported by Arief Maulana

Photo by Tedi Yusup

Translated by dfa

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