Unpad Rector Serves General Chairman of University Network for Indonesian Infrastructure Development of 2018-2021 Period

[unpad.ac.id, 13/9/2018] Unpad Rector is the general chairman of the University Network for Indonesian Infrastructure Development or UNIID for the 2018-2021 period.

Unpad Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (third from right) at the Third Symposium of the University Network for Indonesian Infrastructure Development (UNIID) at Swiss-Belhotel, Balikpapan, Wednesday (12/9). Unpad was elected by acclamation to be the UNIID general chairman for the period 2018-2021. *

The general chairman of UNIID was chosen by acclamation by 27 UNIID member universities at a member meeting which was held during the third UNIID Symposium at Swiss-Belhotel, Balikpapan, Wednesday (12/9).

“The university is an important partner of the government for infrastructure development and Unpad is proud to get this trust. Moreover, all this time Unpad has had an Infrastructure Law Study Center at the Faculty of Law and this year also opened a concentration of infrastructure financing in the Accounting Master program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, “Unpad Rector said in a press statement received by Unpad PR.

UNIID is a network of cooperation between universities throughout Indonesia initiated by PT. Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee (PII) Persero. This network of cooperation is carried out to collect all potential universities in terms of infrastructure development.

Unpad is a member of the UNIID network after the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with PT. PII, 2016 ago. This year, Unpad was elected as the general chairman to continue the Rector of University of Gadjah Mada as the holder of the general chairman for the 2015-2018 period.

Dean of the Unpad Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB Unpad) Dr. Yudi Azis, who accompanied Unpad Rector at the symposium welcomed the decision of the UNIID members to elect Unpad as general chairman. This position will increase Unpad’s role in infrastructure development in Indonesia.

“FEB Unpad has cooperated with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and PT. PII for the development of a concentration curriculum for infrastructure financing, “said Dr. Yudi.

Meanwhile, in the Symposium held in cooperation with PT. This IIGF with Mulawarman University was attended by approximately 150 participants from 28 UNIID member universities. This symposium presented the Elected Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr. Ir. H. Isran Noor, M.Sc., and President Director of PT. PII Armand Hermawan as the main speaker.

In addition to establishing the UNIID general chairman, the member meeting also decided the agenda for the next member meeting would be held in the city of Bandung, early 2019. *


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