Rector Expects Unpad Graduates to Contribute in Maintaining National Integrity

[, 01/08/2017] As an institution of higher education, Unpad with its academic power has a real contribution in supporting the development of a sovereign nation and able to compete in the global association by maintaining the integrity and prosperity of Nusantara archipelago. Achieving this, Rector of Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad enganges all academic community, especially the graduates of Unpad phase IV Academic Year of 2016/2017 to contribute in the development of the nation and to maintain the national integrity.

Minister of Youth and Sports Republic of Indonesia, Imam Nahrawi got congratulations from Rector of Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad on Graduation of Academic Year 2016/2017 at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata, Unpad Bandung, Tuesday (1/8). (Photo: Tedi Yusup)

“Today,I suggest the graduates, wherever you serve, as the people of the community, builder of nation, be the pioneers who contribute in the development of the nation and maintain the integrity of the archipelago,” he said when delivering speech at the Unpad Graduation Ceremony of Unpad phase IV Academic Year of 2016/2017 at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata campus Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Unpad, Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, this Tuesday (1/8). This graduation will be held until Thursday (3/8).

According to the message, the Rector said that at the upcoming Unpad 60th Anniversary, Unpad is committed to strengthening the implementation of the concept of national unity through the concept of archipelagic insight by compiling various academic concepts in the context of present challenges. One of them is the momentum of conferment of Mochtar Kusuma Atmadja Award. This is not only reminiscent of the role and services of Mochtar Kusuma Atmadja in implementing the concept of the insight of the archipelago, but also the inspiration and motivation for the younger generation to maintain the unity of the nation.

In addition to Unpad’s contribution to preserve nature, especially in Indonesia, Unpad will also hold the award of Otto Sumarwoto Award at 60th Unpad Dies Natalis. As a scholar of Unpad, the late Otto Sumarwoto has been instrumental in the field of environmental science as well as the initiator of the Unpad Scientific Principle “Bina Mulia Hukum dan Lingkungan Hidup dan Pembangunan Nasional” with Mochtar Kusuma Atmadja.

Regarding to the academic breakthrough that has been done by Unpad until now, the Rector said that Unpad has been functioning in various innovations and improvements in the governance of academic programs. These include improving academic guidelines that allow undergraduate students to complete thesis writing or final assignments right away and can follow KKN activities early with an open schedule throughout the year. Another breakthrough is the acceptance of S-3 (doctoral) students starting this year which can only be done by promoters who already have research grants. It gives opportunity for students to have certainty in completing their research including free of research costs.

“By supporting of research funds provided by Unpad this year which exceed 100 Billion  Rupiah and integrating research activities with community service and involving students,  it is expected to improve academic performance,” said Rector.

On the occasion, the Rector inaugurate 2,370 graduates consisting of graduates of Diploma-III Program, Diploma IV, Undergraduate Program, Specialist Education, Profession, Masters and Doctorate. In the first session of graduation ceremony, Minister of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Indonesia, Imam Nachrawi, also attended as a graduate of Master Program of Public Policy. In addition, graduates with disabilities from the Social Welfare Studies Program Usep Rohmat were appointed to the session.

In particular, the Rector also congratulated graduates who graduated with the best honors for each level specifically, Vitriana from Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine for Doctoral Program; Sartika Sari from Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences for Master Program; Stephanie from Dental Health Study Program, Faculty of Dentistry, for Specialist Program; Heny Junita from Nurse Study Program, Faculty of Nursing for Profession Program; Shinta Purnama Sugiana from Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Communication Science for Undergraduate Program and from Diploma Program achieved by Hilma Nurmalia Sukma from Administration Study Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science.

Furthermore, the awards were also presented to the oldest graduates namely Wawan Setiawan from Communication Studies Program, Faculty of Communication Science at the age of 60 years 2 months and for the youngest graduate is Ilham Phalosa Reswara from Psychology Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Psychology at the age of 19 years 6 months.

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