PSM Unpad Won at 54th International Competition of Choral Singing Austria

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[, 13/07/2017] Student Choir Activity Unit (PSM) of Universitas Padjadjaran succeeded to achieve first place winner in Folksong category and second place winner in Choral Works category during “54th International Competition of Choral Singing” in Spittal an der Drau, Austria, July 7-9 local time.

Student Choir Activity Unit (PSM) Unpad Team after successfully achieving first place winner in Folksong category and second place winner in Choral Works category during “54th International Competition of Choral Singing” in Spittal an der Drau, Austria, July 7-9.*

In the competition, PSM Unpad with cultural mission team Indonesia Kirana 2017 competed with nine choir groups from various parts of the world, including Bob Cole Chamber Choir from United States, Akademski Pevski zbor Maribor from Slovenia, Claritas Vocalis from Germany, and North-West University PUK-Choir from South Africa, according to release received by Unpad Public Relations.

In folksong category, 45 teams of Indonesia Kirana 2017 performed Indonesian traditional song composition, such as Paris Barantai and Benggong, works of young Indonesian composer Ken Steven, as well as Josu Elberdin’s Soleram arrangement. Attractive performance collided with traditional dance choreography in each song succeeded to attract the judges and audience in Schloss Porcia, where the competition was taking place.

While in choral works category, the team performed several classical and contemporary songs, works of world-class composers, such as Pertu Haapanen’s Readymade Alice and Ivan Yohan’s Ave Maria. During the announcement, the judges concluded that PSM Unpad team had succeeded to show all their capabilities in terms of technique.

Not only presented first place and second place titles, the judges also rewarded Best Interpretation of Brahms to the team for their performance when performing compulsory song, Es Geht Ein Wehen.

“Win that we all must be grateful for. All struggle for the last six months had paid off onstage. In the end, we were able to defeat Europe’s choir groups,” said Fernandes, Chief Executive of cultural mission Indonesia Kirana 2017.

Fernandes admitted, PSM Unpad struggle to win was not easy. It started early from tight elimination to enter the competition. It was regulated that each country was only provided one place within the competition.

“The committee once told us that there were also several choirs from Indonesia that applied. However, in the end, there was only one selected to compete in the given competition, which was PSM Unpad. That was the starting point leading us to winner title today,” added Fernandes.

Indonesia Kirana 2017 team had recently departed for Vienna, Austria, to begin preparatory rehearsal for Cultural Performance Indonesia Kirana that will be held in the upcoming days. The concert was held as the result of cooperation between PSM Unpad with Indonesian Embassy of Austria and Student Association of Indonesia (PPI). The concert will present several Indonesian traditional songs, in order to introduce Indonesian culture in international arena.


Release: PSM Unpad/am

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