Students of Faculty of Geological Engineering Won in Malaysia

Delegasi Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Geologi Unpad yang meraih prestasi di Geoscience Industrial Week 2017 University of Malaya, Malaysia pada 18-20 April 2017 lalu. (Foto: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 28/04/2017] Students of Faculty of Geological Engineering Universitas Padjadjaran won in Geoscience Industrial Week 2017, held by University of Malaya, Malaysia, during last April 18-20, 2017. FTG Unpad delegation received first place in Oil Rig Design Competition and second place in Geoquiz.

Student Delegations of Faculty of Geological Engineering Unpad who won in Geoscience Industrial Week 2017 University of Malaya, Malaysia, during last April 18-20, 2017. (Photo: Tedi Yusup).*

FTG Unpad Delegation who competed in Oil Rig Design Competition were Grida Viantiska Aprilia, Fauzan Luqman, Akbar Sujatmoko, Anggita Fitri, Anatiyo Pamuji, and Inayah Chaerunnisa. While the team receiving second place in Geoquiz consisted of Sukja Fajria Sa’adah, Rizki Satria, and Dian Rahma Yoni.

“We actually did not expect to achieve first place, although we indeed hope to earn winner title there. What was important was to win. However, during the announcement, it was revealed that we got first place. We actually did not expect.” expressed Fauzan when being greeted with the rest of team in Unpad Public Relations office, Rectorate building Unpad Jatinangor, Thursday (27/04).

During the competition, the contestants were asked to create oil rig model, particular installation to conduct oil drilling. The contestants were only allowed to create oil rig model within 2 hours duration by using the available materials prepared by the committee. Afterwards, the contestants were requested to present their work along with float test and load test.

In Oil Rig Design Competition, FTG Unpad team was the only team representing Indonesia. Oil Rig Design Competition was attended by 9 teams, including Universitas Padjadjaran (1 team), Universitas Teknologi Malaysia (1 team), National University of Malaysia (2 teams), Universiti Sains Malaysia (2 teams), and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (2 teams).

While in Geoquiz, FTG Unpad had to acknowledge Gadjah Mada University team win. In this particular competition, FTG Unpad sent two teams to compete. Geoquiz itself was attended by 12 teams from Indonesia and Malaysia.

In Geoquiz, the contestants were required to answer several questions related to Geological Science, from basic knowledge to applied science. The questions had to be answered by the contestants precisely and rapidly. The competition itself consisted of 2 rounds, including preliminary and final round.

“So, we also did not expect, actually. Initially, we were in the bottom rank when the quiz just begun. However, we managed to gradually rise, until we were able to be in the first place during preliminary. At final, although we could not maintain it, but Alhamdulillah (Thank God) we were able to finish in second place.” told Rizki.

Prior to competition, the whole delegation of FTG Unpad prepared for a month. Internal selection was also held to determine which students who could represent Unpad in Geoscience Industrial Week 2017.

By earning such an achievement, they are also expected to carry Unpad’s name, particularly Faculty of Geological Engineering in international arena. This win is also expected to motivate other students.

“From the experience I gained along with fellow students here, there is actually nothing impossible. If we want, there will be target and purpose, there will be hope, and there will be dream to lead us the way. As long as we are willing to try. The point is, try any opportunity we have, because we never know which opportunity will succeed.” suggested Akbar.


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana/am

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