Unpad Provided Opportunities for Professors and Lecturers To Increase Research Through Internal Research Grants

Suasana Sosialisasi Hibah Internal Unpad di Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Rabu (28/12). (Foto: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 28/12/2016] To provide bigger opportunities for faculty to do research, Unpad currently has a number of internal research grants categories. With the internal grant, the encouragement for lecturers to conduct the research is getting stronger.

Suasana Sosialisasi Hibah Internal Unpad di Bale Sawala Gedung Rektorat Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Rabu (28/12). (Foto: Tedi Yusup)*
The Internal Grant Dissemination Session in Bale Sawala Unpad the Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Wednesday (28/12). (Photo: Tedi Yusup) *

“In Unpad, we have some internal research grant categories,” said the Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad in The Internal Grant Dissemination Session in Bale Sawala Unpad Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Wednesday (28/12).

The internal research grants consist of basic research grants and young lecturers, competitive grants, and grants assignment. To grant young lecturers consists of Padjadjaran University Research Lecturer Starter (RDPU) which aims to increase the capacity of researching for the young lecturers, Fundamental Research Padjadjaran (RFU) which aims to encourage lecturers to do the basic research and innovation are the findings.

Competitive grant is intended for faculty with the rank of Assistant Expert to Associate Professor. These grants form Competence Research Lecturer Unpad (RKDU), which aim to improve the competence of researchers in order to have a strong track record in their field.

Meanwhile research grants assignment consists of program Academic Leadership Grant (ALG) in the form of research assignments to the professors to increase the number of publications and citations in Unpad and to increase the capacity of members of the research team, and Research Downstream Products of Padjadjaran (RHPU) which aims to encourage the growth of innovation capacity an institution which is in line with advances in technology and user demand.

Rector said, through this grant, the research conducted was based at the output. Hopefully, the various studies conducted can answer the various challenges through an academic product. Research proposal was first going through a review process to ensure the research proposal is in accordance with the requirements specified.

In addition, the study was expected to be done through a transdisciplinary science, through to their approach to the study center, research center, or a center of excellence in Unpad. Thus, the research activities are expected to continue to be sustainable.

“If using departmental approach, the possibilities of doing research that are interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary or transdisciplinary, is not as large as when it appeared in the approaches to the study center. It would also build a better atmospheric research because the activities there,” said Rector.

On the occasion, Rector also gives an overview of research performance, Universitas Padjadjaran in 2016. As information, the research performance of Padjadjaran University in 2016 has been better than the previous year. The number of publications in Scopus indexed journals is increasing. Rector expected an increase in the quality and quantity of research activity coming years, judging from their own potential and benchmark of other universities.

Further information regarding internal research grants is available at https://www.unpad.ac.id/pengumuman/penerimaan-proposal-hibah-internal-universitas-padjadjaran


Reported by Artanti Hendriyana/am





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