Universitas Khairun Maluku Utara Conducted Comparative Study to Quality Assurance Unit Unpad

[Unpad.ac.id, 18/12/2016] Quality Assurance Unit (SPM), Universitas Padjadjaran received a comparative study visit from the Centre for Quality Assurance (PPM) University Khairun (Unkhair) of North Maluku on Thursday (15/12). PPM Unkhair entourage consisted of six people and welcomed by Head of SPM Padjadjaran University, Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, M.Sc., accompanied by Deputy Chief of SPM, Drs. Yuyun Hidayat, M.T and his staff in the SPM conference room in Rectorate Building, 4th Floor, Campus Jatinangor.

Tim Pusat Penjaminan Mutu Universitas Khairun berfoto bersama dengan tim Satuan Penjaminan Mutu Unpad di lobi Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Kamis (15/12). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
University Quality Assurance Center Team from Khairun and the team of Quality Assurance Unit Unpad at Rectorate Building lobby Jatinangor, Thursday (15/12). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

Chairperson of PPM Unkhair, Dr. Suratman Sujud, SP, M.Sc., said that in addition to the visit they also sought knowledge, exchanged experiences and information regarding quality assurance at various well-regarded universities in the process of implementation of quality assurance.

Suratman explained that University Khairun was accredited “B” and originally the first private university in North Maluku established on August 15, 1964, currently in the process, of changing the status of PTS Unkhair into PTN in 2004. Since then, the University Kahirun continued to undergo rapid transformation of good lectures, quality and quantity consisting of Bachelor (35 Study Program), Diploma Program 3 (1 Study Program), Master Program (4 Study Program).

“We want to learn and sought information for the process of drafting the standard of education, research and community service and would like to learn more about the working procedure of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Unpad,” said Suratman.

Meanwhile, Head of SPM Padjadjaran University, Dr. Hj. Rd. Funny Mustikasari Elita, M.Si welcomed and highly appreciated the visit. Funny said that Unpad Quality Assurance was based on the courses and coordinated operationally by the faculty, while the role of the university is as a support to develop a system and strategy facilitating, empowering and enabling. The role of the university is in the form of technical assistance, financial, consulting, development of new concepts more applicable and flexible, monitoring and follow-improvement advice.

“Building a good and solid quality assurance is not easy. It needs to be a commitment on all fronts ranging from university to the working units concerned. We cannot work alone, with needs to be together, and in relation to one another. The point is if we do it together then the result would we enjoy together. SPM supported the tree to produce fruit, and accreditation is the fruit of quality assurance. If we have good quality assurance the fruit will be good, “said Funny.

In Unpad many attempts of quality assurance have been done. Unpad wanted to nurture its study programs in the environment with the guidance and simulation of Study Program Form to empower the assessors BAN PT from Unpad paired with the assessors formations derived from the internal auditors in helping the implementation process of re-accreditation in Unpad. The auditor continued to be improved with training assessor qualifications held by SPM to be synchronized Internal Assessor. If they pass and meet the requirements it will proposed to BAN PT, acting outside and within organizations.

On the occasion Funny explained how to compose Form, SOP, explanation of the Academic Quality Audit, SPMI, Quality and Innovation Academic Standards. In addition the group visited to the Integrated Service Center on the 1st Floor Unpad in Rectorate Building, and ended with a group photo. *

Released by oleh Wati Sukmawati (SPM Unpad)


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