Lises Unpad Conducted Cultural Documentation of Benjang Ujungberung Masks

[, 14/12/2016] Student Activity Unit (UKM) Lingkung Seni Sunda (Lises) Universitas Padjadjaran again conducted research and development of Sundanese culture. On this occasion, Lises Unpad conducted Benjang Mask cultural documentation in Ujungberung, Bandung. Documentation was carried out in a few days for data collection, beginning on October 29, 2016, and resumed on 3-4 December 2016.

Empat karakter Topeng Benjang dari Ujungberung Bandung.*
Four characters of Benjang from Ujungberung Bandung Masks.*

Benjang is an art tradition that comes from Sunda Land, consisted of Benjang Helaran, benjang Mask, and benjang Wrestling. Initially Benjang originated from Benjang Gulat. Benjang Helaran then was held to inform the public about Benjang Gulat. However, there is a time void between Benjang Helaran and Benjang Gulat, therefore Mask Benjang was put forward.

Benjang mask consisted of 4 characters, i.e. daughter, nursemaid (pouty), Satria and Ravana. Characters on this mask represented each of human nature, such as the lady who had a mellowness, entailed a cute character and can be entertaining, Satria who has brave character, and Ravana who antagonized. At first Benjang masks were performed by a man who played all the characters. Over time, Mask Benjang can be performed by women, and the fourth character Benjang Mask can be performed by different people, although there are still four characters brought directly by the people.

In Benjang performed by one person, the performer will be dressed in a layered costume, and accessories in the head without a bun, just covered by a cloth in order to facilitate the change of character. When performed by a different person, the color of the costumes has more attention and tailored to each character, such as Princess costumes white, with a red sash, Satria with more dominant green, and Ravana red.

The shift also occurred on the duration of the dance. In the past, the dance lasted for about 2 hours, which turn every character mask Benjang each 25 minutes. Currently, Mask Benjang on every character has duration of about 3-4 minutes.

Benjang masks are typical. In his movements there are scratchings, winds, and movement called mincid benjang. In Satria and Ravana were martial arts movements, intended to inform that after Benjang are Benjang Gulat Mask. In nursemaid character there were serious martial arts movements because the character of is playful and entertaining. Another distinctive feature of dance masks Benjang is the always clenched hands in almost every movement of the dance. Forms fist in Benjang Mask dance is a form of strength or courage of a man. *

Released by Lises Unpad / art

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