Fossil Energy Deplete in 13 Years, New and Renewable Energy Is Imperative

[, 3/12/2016]The depletion of fossil fuel reserves and global climate change made the presence of new and renewable energy as inevitable. Fossil energy is expected to be exhausted in 13 years to come, and Indonesia will be lacking energy source if there is currently no acceleration motion to be able to present and optimize renewable energy.

Gubernur Jawa Barat, Ahmad Heryawan, saat menjadi salah satu narasumber pada Seminar Nasional “Pemanfaatan Energi Alternatif untuk Mendukung Re-Industrialisasi” di Ruang Serba Guna Gedung 2 Lantai 4 Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Sabtu (3/12). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan, as one of the speakers at the National Seminar on “Utilization of Alternative Energy to Support Re-industrialization” in the Multipurpose Room 4th Floor Building 2 Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Saturday (3/12). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

Such was delivered by West Java Governor Dr. H. Ahmad Heryawan, Lc., M.Si as one of the speakers at the National Seminar “Utilization of Alternative Energy to Support Re-Industrialization” held Doctoral Studies Program of Management Sciences Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unpad in the Multipurpose Room Building 2 4th floor Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Saturday (3/12).

In relation to the utilization of energy sources in West Java, Ahmad Heryawan revealed that 38% of energy in West Java is water-based. West Java was considered to be the owner of Indonesia’s largest fresh water so that water use should be optimized.

“Therefore conservation of Citarum, Ciliwung, and other watershed areas are very necessary for our energy future,” he said.

He also emphasized, lest the West Java becomes the owner of the largest fresh water in Indonesia, it is difficult to find clean water. Supposedly, the water upstream and downstream are of the same quality. This will greatly affect at least for drinking water supply, irrigation, as well as for electricity and other energy.

“Supposedly water value was preserved from upstream to downstream,” said Ahmad Heryawan.

Present as Keynote Speaker at the national seminar were Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dr. Ir. Hendra Iswahyudi, M.Si. He said that Indonesia has a lot of potential energy that needs to be optimized.

Dr. Hendra also stressed the need for equalization mindset that new renewable energy development is not an option, but a necessity. Not that it should override fossil energy. Exploration and development of fossil energy is still being done, but done in a balanced way with renewable energy.

“Thus, we have an optimal energy mix. That is, not only the dependence on fossil fuels, but the portions could be impartial, “said Dr. Hendra.

This national seminar also featured speakers of Chairman of the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society Dr. Ir. Surya Dharma, MBA, President Director of PT. Tirta Gemah Ripah Ir. Emryas Imsak Soelaiman, Chief Editor of Bisnis Indonesia Arif Budidudilo, and Chairman of the Doctoral Management Program FEB, Prof. Dr. Ina Primiana, SE, MT.

Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad said that Unpad has long had a special attention to environmental issues and sustainable development. This was especially evident from the pattern of Principal Scientific owned by Unpad, “Bina Mulia and Environmental Law in National Development”.

“So Shall Unpad’s Pattern of Principal Scientific is very relevant to the current situation. Moreover, since the end of 2015, world leaders are all agreed on sustainable development, which are not only talking about the economy but also social and environmental,” said Rector.

On the occasion, Rector also attended the launch Doctorate Business Issues Forum (Dorbis) and the inauguration of the board of Management Science Doctoral Student Association FEB Unpad. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh


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