Rector Invited Alumni To Actively Prevent Environmental Damage

[, 1/11/2016] Various environmental damage occurred in some areas lately requires not only effort to rehabilitate curative, but also preventive measures so that the same tragedy does not happen in the coming year. Many times the environmental damage is not only due to natural factors, but also due to human errors. Related to this, Universitas Padjadjaran is committed to continue to contribute to overcome various environmental problems occur.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, saat menyampaikan pidato pada Wisuda Gelombang I Tahun Akademik 2016/2017 Universitas Padjadjaran di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Bandung, Selasa (1/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, during his speech at Graduation Ceremony Wave I Academic Year 2016/2017 Universitas Padjadjaran at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Bandung, Tuesday (1/11). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Rector Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, invited Unpad graduates to continue to play an active role in addressing the problems. According to him, Unpad graduates should be able to be at the forefront considering they have to understand the pattern of Padjadjaran University Scientific Principles “Bina Mulia and Environmental Law in National Development”. This was conveyed by the Rector in his speech at Graduation Ceremony Wave I Academic Year 2016/2017 Universitas Padjadjaran at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Bandung, Tuesday (1/11).

To all graduates, Rector reminded the need to recognize that the various changes are ongoing in the life of society. Various changes and anomalies occur in the days gone by, it may be a condition that is considered normal on the day or the new normal situation.
“Therefore, to deal with it, let us together be shoulder to shoulder devote our potential each of us transform into a benefit for the nation of Indonesia,” said Rector.

On the occasion, the Rector also revealed that education, research, and community service performed by Unpad will continue to be developed to be able to adapt to various changes in the environment, and are also able to anticipate and mitigate potential adverse environmental changes.

Various environmental tragedies that occur, basically caused by human activities that are not environmentally friendly and breaking the rules, not in harmony with the principles of sustainable development.

“The programs of development need to be sustainable development programs, programs that are environmentally sound and socially equitable. Not development programs that are merely momentary attention to economic interests and not paying attention to sustainability in the future. Development is done should also be implemented within the framework of applicable law. Enforcement of violations occurring in the implementation of development should be implemented rigorously,” said Rector.

In particular, Rector also congratulated the graduates with honors for each level. They are Lutfi Yondri of Literary Studies Department Faculty of Cultural Studies as Best Graduates of Doctoral Program, Santi Perawati from Study Program of Pharmacy Faculty of Pharmacy as Best Graduate of Masters Program, Moehammad Fahrul Rozi from the Department of Orthodontics Faculty of Dentistry as Best Graduate Program Specialist, Kalia Labitta Yudhasoka from the Department of Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry as the best Graduates for professional education program, Soraya Sri Anggarawati of Communication Studies Program as the Best Graduates for Graduate Program, and Khairunnisa of Public Relations Studies Program Faculty of Communication as the best Graduates Diploma Program.

Rector also presented awards to the oldest graduates, Bachtiar Hasibuan who graduated at the age of 63 years and 8 months from Economic Studies Program Faculty of Economics and Business, and the youngest graduates, Raka Satria Fadhlurrohman who graduated at the age of 19 years and 6 months in Legal Studies Program Faculty of Law.

The number of graduates who inaugurated on the first wave Graduates Graduation Academic Year 2016/2017 are 2,964 people from various levels of education. Graduation procession would be hold in six sessions over three consecutive days, starting today until Thursday (3/11). *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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