Prof. Dr. Ilya Avianti: Financial Transaction Activity-Based Digital Continues To Increase

[, 25/11/2016] Members of the Board of Commissioners Financial Services Authority, Prof. Dr. Ilya Avianti, said that the activity-based digital financial transactions (financial technology) continued to increase rapidly around the world, including Indonesia. This activity is an important breakthrough in the financial sector.

Anggota Dewan Komisioner Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Prof. Dr. Ilya Avianti, memberikan keynote speech pada “The 2nd International Conference for Emerging Accounting Issues (ICEAI) 2016” di Hotel Grand Tjokro, Bandung, Jumat (25/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Members of the Board of Commissioners Financial Services Authority, Prof. Dr. Ilya Avianti, giving a keynote speech on “The 2nd International Conference for Emerging Accounting Issues (ICEAI) 2016” at the Hotel Grand Tjokro, Bandung, Friday (25/11). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

“Based on the publication of the World Economic Forum, the global investment in the sector in 2014 fintech about 4 billion US dollars and increased more than 11-fold,” said Prof. Ilya while giving a keynote speech on “The 2nd International Conference for Emerging Accounting Issues (ICEAI) 2016” at the Hotel Grand Tjokro, Bandung, Friday (25/11). This international seminar held by the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unpad.

Prof. Ilya, also professor at FEB Unpad said that, in line with global developments, Indonesia is committed to support the activities fintech as one of the supporting pillars of the economy. Through the efforts of Bank Indonesia, the FSA, as well as 13 ministries associated with the approval of President Joko Widodo has confirmed fintech an effort to boost financial inclusion. While inclusive financial sector itself has become a national strategy in Presidential Decree No. 82 of 2016.

Furthermore, Prof. Ilya explained that fintech implementation in Indonesia is growing startup companies. “In 2016, we could see a significant growth of players fintech startup. Between 2015 -2016, fintech startup increase reached 77%,” he continued.

However, there are some challenges behind the proliferation of actors fintech startup in Indonesia. The perpetrators are not all identified the FSA as a supervisory agency activity in the financial services sector. Prof. Ilya said, this is because not a lot of actors startup that communicates its activities to the FSA.

Thus, effective regulation is needed to keep supporting fintech in Indonesia. Prof. Ilya said, this regulation will organize and oversee the development fintech types, ranging from technology, security, transaction activity, resources, keadministrasian, risk management, to reporting.

akutansi-feb-1-tediakutansi-feb-2-tediRelated aspects of reporting, specifically Prof. Ilya said, the FSA will accept fintech startup to do the audit process by the public accounting firm. This plan would require a good response from practitioners in the field of accounting.

To the participants in the seminar, Prof. Ilya encourages academics to accountants’ practitioners and public accounting firms to put together a formula and methodology in support of sustainability fintech in Indonesia.

“This strategy is expected to support the startup fintech more effective, efficient, and safe,” said Prof. Ilya.

This international seminar are also a number of speakers, including Rosita Uli Sinaga, (board member of Indonesian Accountants Association), Nik Hasyudeen (Non-executive Director of Malaysia of Professional Accountancy Center), Prof. Rozainun (Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia), Dr. Mark Wheaton (RMIT University, Vietnam), Dr. Florenz Duties (De LA Salle University, Philippines), Dr. Here Wila-Wongkaew (Chulalangkorn University, Thailand), and Hamzah Ritchi, S.E., Mbit, Ak., And Dr. Early Rosdini, S.E., M.Ak., (Unpad).

Chairman of activities, Ersa Tri Wahyu, PhD, said that, in addition to plenary sessions, the seminar was held parallel sessions. A total of 25 presenters will present their research findings. After the presentation, the paper is to be reviewed to be published in international scientific journals. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh


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