Food Alternative In Addition to Rice To Improve National Food Security

[, 15/11/2016] Since long time ago, Indonesian people have the mindset that meal is related with rice. Although they took other caloric sources, they can not be said to “have eaten” if they do not eat rice. According to the Lecturer of the Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology (FTIP), Universitas Padjadjaran Dr. Marleen Sunyoto, we need to change this mindset to improve the nation food security.

Dosen Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian Unpad, Dr. Marleen Sunyoto, saat menjadi pembicara dalam Seminar Nasional “Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan dalam Konteks Diversifikasi dan Kebijakan” di Bale Sawala, Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Selasa (15/11). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Lecturer of Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology Unpad, Dr. Marleen Sunyoto, as a speaker in the National Seminar “Achieving Food Security in the Context of Diversification and Policies” in Bale Sawala, Rectorate Building Jatinangor, Tuesday (15/11). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

“Food does not always synonymous with rice. Food may be identified with non-rice, which have a source of calories the same or almost the same with rice. Therefore, we must search for alternative non-rice staple food,” said Dr. Marleen as one of the speakers at the National Seminar “Achieving Food Security in the Context of Diversification and Policy” as part of the Agrocomplex Student Science Week 2016 in Bale Sawala, Rector Building Jatinangor, Tuesday (15/11).

To achieve food security, diversification is extremely important. Dr. Marleen also emphasized that this diversification is not a variation of processed food, but a variety of staple food. Diversification also often is associated with the technology and culinary food science.

According to Dr. Marleen, diversification is needed in order to achieve food security so that too many people depend on rice. The existence of climate change, reduction in the amount of land, and the increase of the price are the problems in Indonesia. The food crisis was increasingly threatening. In addition, the urge their rice imports increased.

“Talking about food security and diversification, the solution is the creation of new products. New products to replace rice,” said Dr. Marleen.

Dr. Marleen also suggested that diversification should take advantage of local food considering the potential of local food in Indonesia is very abundant. Aside from being a staple food, local potential can also be utilized as a food supplement. For that, he expects that the cooperation in the field of Agro complex can be further improved.

On the occasion, Dr. Marleen also invites students to assess the potential range of local food and can contribute in creating new products. This is what can be done as an academic student.

Dr. Marleen also has an effort in the creation of these new food products. One of them is the processing of Cassava Dregs (Ambu) into a paste, which she described as “Pasayu” or Pasta Bulbs Wood. Various studies on cassava dregs she has done since nine years ago, with also involves a number of students at FTIP Unpad.

Besides Dr. Marleen, this seminar also presented businessman Chandra Natadipurba as a speaker. Not only the national seminar, Agrocomplex Student Science Week 2016 Essay Competition was held, followed by a number of students from various universities in Indonesia. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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