Unpad Wins 1 Gold and 1 Silver at the Intercollegiate National Pencak Silat Championship Menpora in Lampung

[Unpad.ac.id, 18/10/2016] Two students from Universitas Padjadjaran made achievements at the Intercollegiate National Pencak Silat Championship Minister of Youth and Sports Cup held in Lampung, from 10 to 16 October 2016. At the national championship, the delegation won one gold medal and one silver medal.

Anggun Suciati dan Paksi Ghifari Nurgana yang meraih prestasi pada Kejuaraan Nasional (Kejurnas) Pencak Silat Antar Perguruan Tinggi Piala Menpora ke-VI di Unversitas Lampung, 10-16 Oktober 2016 lalu. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)
Anggun Suciati and Paksi Ghifari Nurgana made achievements at the the Intercollegiate National Pencak Silat Championship Minister of Youth and Sports Cup held in Lampung, from 10 to 16 October 2016 (Photo by: Dadan T.)

The two students are Paksi Ghifari Nurgana (English Literature 2016) and Anggun Suciati (Agricultural Technologies, 2012). Ghifa, as Nurgana usually called, won first prize at the male E fighting class (65-70 kg), while Anggun won second prize in the female E fighting class (65-70 kg).

Ghifa won the championship after winning three fights in the preliminary round against the team from Lampung Technocrate Institution , Riau Islamic University, and State University of Yogyakarta. In the semi-finals, Ghifa triumphed over the battle against the Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret. While in the final round, Ghifa won gold after a win against a team from Raden Intan Islamic University Lampung with the acquisition of a score of 5-0.

“Legitimate points include kicks, punches, and dings hitting the target,” said Ghifa when interviewed by Unpad PR, Tuesday (18/10).

While in female class, Anggun successfully advanced to the finals after a win against a team from Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta in the semi-finals. However, Anggun had to settle won second in the final round after fighting the Jakarta State University.

The National Championship is a biennial event held by the Indonesian Student Communication Forum for Pencak Silat (FKMPSI). This year, the event was attended by 401 participants from 68 universities throughout Indonesia joined in FKMPSI. Unpad sends nine delegates consisting of seven delegates in fighting class and two delegates in art class.

Although the results do not announce Unpad as overall winner, Ghifa and Anggun are satisfied with the medals achieved. Ghifa himself is proud to be able to contribute his first gold for Unpad. While Anggun also feels proud of the achievements.

“Thank God, I can give first and last medal for Unpad in the last year of my college,” said Anggun who had just completed her study.

Practicing pencak silat apparently provides benefits to Ghifa and Anggun. For Ghifa, it is a calling that has been embedded from his parents. Ghifa’s parents are athletes and activists for the Indonesian original martial art. He himself has studied pencak silat since fifth grade and has competed in national-level championships ever since.

One of Ghifa’s achievements is representing West Java in the event the National Sports Week (PON) XIX in 2016 in West Java, last September. “For me, martial arts can train emotions and self-controls,” said Ghifa.

As for Anggun, studying pencak silat can improve confidence, loyalty, and hard work. The Serang, Banten native has also been studying pencak silat since junior high. “We also become more able to take care of myself,” said Anggun. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh            

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