Unpad Supported PLP To Increase Capacity and Career Profession

[Unpad.ac.id, 12/10/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran encouraged Institution Education Laboratory (PLP) to increase its capacity. Such efforts included encouraging workers to continue their studies up to bachelor and master level, and encouraging achievement of in PLP professional careers.

Kepala Biro Administrasi Umum Unpad, Slamet Suprapto, S.Sos., M.Si., saat memberi pengarahan pada rapat koordinasi Calon PLP Unpad di Aula Fakultas Keperawatan, Selasa (12/10). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Head of General Administration Bureau Unpad, Slamet Suprapto, S. Sos., M.Sc., giving a briefing on coordination meeting PLP Candidate at Faculty of Nursing Unpad Hall, Tuesday (12/10). (Photo by Dadan T.) *

“PLP is one of the functional position that helps academic activities in laboratories, both academic activities/student affairs and research,” said Head of Unpad General Administration, Slamet Suprapto, S. Sos., M.Sc., on the sidelines of a coordination meeting PLP Candidate Padjadjaran in the Hall of the Faculty of Nursing, Tuesday (12/10).

In relation with PLP functional position, Slamet said that it is the career positions that could be held by Unpad PLP. PLP made possible for workers whose education was minimal linear with the laboratory.

Scheme of career functional PLP is almost the same as the lecturer. The workers could apply for promotion and position levels within two years. However, Slamet said, the increase could be filed if the PLP has met a certain number of credits. The number of credits earned by three elements, namely the elements of service, dedication to the community, and the elements of the development office.

“Just like a lecturer, once PLP has enough credit number, s/he could apply for a promotion within the span of 2 years,” said Slamet.

Based Permenpan RB Reference No. 3 of 2010 on Functional Institution Laboratory of Education and credit figures, the amount of credit rate PLP Masters level is 150, while the Bachelor level 100.

Similarly, these rules stated that functional PLP consists of skilled level and expert level. Skilled level consists of the Implementing PLP levels (low), Implementing Advanced PLP, and PLP Supervisor. Meanwhile expert level consists of PLP levels First rank Penata Muda, PLP Muda pangkat Penata, and Pembina.

“This could be a boost for our PLP employee to organize his career,” said Slamet.

Slamet said that the increase in this career also encouraged standards of PLP. Through the coordination meeting, Unpad PLP employee can define standard procedures for laboratory use, such as safety procedures, hygiene, and health at the lab.

“You should be able to design SOP PLP, both SOP for officers and lab users. This standard can also be a guide for other staff,” said Slamet. *

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