With Theme Anomaly of LGBT Social Control, Hayatul Fikri Aziz Won Best Paper in IASTEM Egypt

[Unpad.ac.id, 26/10/2016] Student of Study Program Arabic Literature Universitas Padjadjaran, Hayatul Fikri Aziz, won achievement at the international level. Fikri, his nickname, won the best paper award in the event the International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management (IASTEM) in Cairo, Egypt, October 17.

Hayatul Fikri Aziz yang meraih penghargaan paper terbaik di International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management (IASTEM) di Cairo, Mesir, 17 Oktober 2016. *
Hayatul Fikri Aziz who won the best paper award at the International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Management (IASTEM) in Cairo, Egypt, October 17, 2016. *

Fikri was also be the only delegate from Indonesia in an international conference held by the International Institute of Engineers and Researchers them. In addition, he also became the only conference participant who was a student.

At the conference, Fikri presented the results of the research entitled “The Anomaly Correlation between Local Society Coercive Actions to the LGBT of Tuban Boom Beach Indonesia Based on Looking-Glass Self Theory”. In general, this research discussed the correlation between aberrant social control of the community in the Tuban regency against irregularities committed by LGBT.

“Social control is considered to be able to suppress the number of LGBT, yet it resulted in the growing confidence of the LGBT and the development of their existence, as well as a reluctance to leave the aberrant activity,” said Fikri in his confirmation email to PR Unpad.

The study was based on his interest to examine the issues currently being discussed rampantly in Indonesia and the world. He hoped that his research could become a plea for the Indonesian government to follow up the various irregularities related to LGBT.

The paper passed the initial selection for later presented to the participants from around the world. Various responses were solicited from the participants. Fikri said that based on their research assessed that Indonesia is a country that upholds morality.

Fikri is a student currently in an exchange program in at Suez Canal University, Egypt, for one semester. Adapting the proverb “killing two birds with one stone”, Fikri also took the opeortunity to participate in a conference attended by participants who were an average of the masters and doctorate degree.

“I want to feel the atmosphere of real education,” said Fikri. *

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh

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