To Support Teaching and Learning, Students Need to Know Different Literacy Service

[, 26/10/2016] The introduction of aspects of literacy and information to new students is not only done through the medium of teaching in the classroom. In the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social) Universitas Padjadjaran, new students are invited to know more about the various services via the campus literary atmosphere while not being in class and in much for relaxed atmosphere.

Suasana FISIP Expo di koridor Dekanaat FISIP Unpad Jatinangor (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
FISIP Expo in corridors of Dean Building FISIP Jatinangor (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

Manager Governance and Resources FISIP Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Hery Wibowo, S.Psi., M.M., said the introduction of literacy campus outside of class is an implementation of a program of fun learning concept of Happiness Integrity Transition Study (HITS), Padjadjaran University. This activity was attended by freshman in Learning Skills and Information Literacy (KBLI).

Held in the lobby campus FISIP Jatinangor, Wednesday (26/10), new students are given an understanding of the importance of information literacy as well as various services of the library by the Librarian FISIP. The goal of this event is for students to get to know from an early age-related library services on campus FISIP.

Furthermore, this lecturer of program study Social Welfare said that by starting learning from an early stage, students would be more familiar in the search for the lecture in the library reference. FISIP library itself currently has two locations library with a wide collection of scientific books, journals online, or print journals, which are accessible to all students. Unfortunately this has not been widely used by students.

In fact, aspects of literacy and information are needed to support student’s learning activities. Dr. Hery said the biggest task of the student is to produce useful scientific works. Scientific work must of course be based on solid science.

Strengthening science is obligatory to search scientific references, either in the form of textbooks, journals, scientific articles, until the proceedings at scientific seminars. Libraries became the main motor as a provider of a wide range of references.

Through early introduction, Dr. Hery hoped that the students did not only use the library service only for the final assignment only. During their studentship, the library becomes a space that should be used to search the literature.

“We tried to show all of them, both online and offline, in the library, students can know various studies resulting lecturer of Social and outside, so can they process into scientific work,” said Dr. Hery.

Besides encouraging new students to be more familiar library, through the HITS program, the students have started to be encouraged to produce the scientific work that must include a reference from a variety of scientific literacy.

This activity is part of the event of “FISIP Expo” in the framework of the 58th Anniversary of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran. This event featured delivery of content on literacy by the Librarian FISIP.

“We have our librarians who have been certified, because they’ve been getting continuous education of librarians from the Library UPT Unpad,” said Dr. Hery during the event.

After introducing literacy-related services, new students are also invited to view the various researches conducted by professor of Social and Political Science, Universitas Padjadjaran. A total of 12 research works featured an implementation program Academic Leadership Grant (ALG) Unpad displayed via the posters plastered along the corridors of the Dean Faculty of Social Building.

This showcase also aimed to allow students to learn more related to diverse research professors and lecturers FISIP. Dr. Hery said students are expected to know the magnitude of the expertise of teachers, can even get involved in the expertise of the road map. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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