Universitas Padjadjaran Donates 119 Sheep on Eid al-Adha 1437 Hijra

[Unpad.ac.id, 12/09/2016] ] On Eid al-Adha 1437 H, Universitas Padjadjaran donated 119 sheep to be distributed to several locations managed by Unpad for the meat distribution. A total of 84 sheep of which were distributed to 12 villages in the Jatinangor District, where every village received seven sheep. The sacrificial animals were delivered to the representatives of each village after the Eid al-Adha prayer in the field of Jati Padjadjaran Stadium Unpad, Jatinangor Campus, Monday (11/09).

Pemotongan hewan kurban pada momen Idul Adha 1437 Hijriah di Unpad Kampus Jatinangor, Senin (12/09). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Slaughter of sacrificial animals on Eid al-Adha 1437 Hijri in Unpad Jatinangor Campus, Monday (12/09). (Photo by: Dadan T.) *

“This is a form of Unpad’s initiative that synergizes with the symbols of Islam and the concept of Scientific Basic Pattern (Pola Pokok Ilmiah) of Unpad,” said Head of Unit Management of Universitas Padjadjaran Mosque, Hadiyanto A. Rachim, S. Sos., M.Sc., when met during the ceremony.

The sacrificial animals, Padjadjaran sheep is a Priangan sheep farmed in Wanaraja area, Garut Subdistrict. Initially, the local sheep is result from mating between Merino sheep and local sheep in 1886, the colonial era. The new breed was then mated with Kaapstad sheep from Africa. Since 2013, Universitas Padjadjaran and 11 other institutions had formed a consortium to develop the Padjadjaran sheep.

The sheep were donated by the Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad. Besides distributed to 12 villages in Jatinangor, the sheep were also distributed to various locations of Unpad sacrifice management, including Masjid Raya Jatinangor, Masjid Al Jihad Dipati Ukur, and Masjid Nurul Jamil, Unpad Lecturer Housing in Dago.

“The number 119 represents the anniversary of Universitas Padjadjaran; 11 September [11-09],” added Hadiyanto.

Furthermore, Hadiyanto mentioned that the sacrifice at Masjid Raya Jatinangor consists of three cows and 36 sheep, 10 sheep at Al-Jihad, and 11 cows and 14 sheep at Masjid Nurul Jamil. The results of this sacrifice will be submitted to the cleaning staff members, educators, and communities around Jatinangor.

This year, Eid al-Adha prayer was held at two locations, namely in Jati Padjadjaran Stadium Jatinangor with the Imam/Khatib Dr. Ir. Sudarjat, MP, (Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture) and in the North Parking Lot Dipati Ukur Campus with the Imam/Khatib Kusman Ibrahim, S.Kp., M.Ns., PhD (Dean of the Faculty of Nursing). *

Photos by Dadan T. and Tedi Yusup (Humas Unpad)

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh

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