Unpad Pharmacy Students Research on Co-crystallization of Simvastatin for Its Effectivity on Lowering Cholesterol Level

[Unpad.ac.id, 7/09/2016] Four students from the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Padadjaran conducted a research aiming at increasing solubility rate of Simvastatin as a medicine to lower cholesterol in blood. As the medicine is soluble in water, it is expected that the effectivity of Simvastatin increases as well.

Empat mahasiswa Farmasi Unpad yang melakukan penelitian “Peningkatan Laju Kelarutan dalam Air dan Uji Disolusi Ko-Kristal Simvastatin melalui Ko-Kristalisasi dengan Metode Slurry menggunakan Ko-Former Azam Benzoat, Sakarin, dan Aspartam” ketika menerima medali perak Pimnas 2016. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)
Four students from the Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad who conducted research entitled “Peningkatan Laju Kelarutan dalam Air dan Uji Disolusi Ko-Kristal Simvastatin melalui Ko-Kristalisasi dengan Metode Slurry menggunakan Ko-Former Azam Benzoat, Sakarin, dan Aspartam” receiving silver medal at the Pimnas 2016 (Photo by: Dadan T.)

The students are Ratna Mutia Kharisma, Harbowo Dwi Prakoso, M. Arnaj Madyan, and Willybordus Yoga Pratama whose title of the research is “Peningkatan Laju Kelarutan dalam Air dan Uji Disolusi Ko-Kristal Simvastatin melalui Ko-Kristalisasi dengan Metode Slurry menggunakan Ko-Former Azam Benzoat, Sakarin, dan Aspartam”. Through the scheme Student Creativity-Research on Science or Kreativitas Mahasiswa-Penelitian Eksakta (PKM- PE), they received silver medal in poster category at the 29th National Student Science Week or Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional (Pimnas) held in Bogor Agricultural University in mid-August.

Simvastatin is known as cholesterol lowering drug mostly taken in Indonesia. However, data from Food and Drug Administration (FDA) show that Simvastatin is a medicine with low solubility rate. Therefore, the contents in the medicine are absorbed less than expected and the remains would mostly disposed from the body.

“We intend to increase the solubility rate in the water as 70% of human body contains water. We expect that the increase would improve the absorption level of Simvastatin in the body that affects the effectivity for the patient,” said Arnaj.

He also added that improvement on the effectivity of the medicine would help the patients to get better faster. Generally, patients with high cholesterol level consume this medicine in a long term. Meanwhile, Simvastatin has high-risk side efefcts if consumed in a long term, such as alzheimer or other complications.

By conducting this research, they aimed to develop a new kind of medicine. The structure in commercial Simvastatin is modified with co-formers benzoate acid, saccharine, and aspartame.

“The co-formers must not change the nature of active substances. If the previous co-former is for anti-cholesterol, the modified ones must not contain other nature. It only helps the solubility, explained Ratna.

The higher absorption level also reduces the cost for manufacturing the medicine with the lower dosage.

“The lower dosage means higher absorption which also means lower cost for the production,” said Ratna.

They admitted that further research is needed to produce the modified medicine that can be used for people widely. Until recently, they have only conducted in vitro test.

“I expect that this research would be developed for further tests,” said Harbowo.

As for their achievement in Pimnas 2016, they expressed their gratitude and surprise that they did not expect to win. Even though they realized there were flaws in the research, Ratna and her team had performed their best for Unpad in the event.

They want to motivate other students to send their proposals for Student Creativity Program. During Pimnas, they received more knowledge and valuable experience. By competing in this event, they can assess their own potential and this is what they want to share with other students.

“Don’t be afraid to try. Do your best for Unpad,” said Willy.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh


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