Preparing Preservation Cadres for Sundanese Culture, Lises Unpad Holds Unjuk Pangabisa

[, 21/09/2016] Lingkung Seni Sunda Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad’s Sundanese Arts Union or Lises Unpad) held a program titled Evaluation for Training Routine of Lises Unpad 2016 at the Auditorium Bale Santika Jatinangor, Saturday, September 17, 2016. The program is an art performance (unjuk pangabisa) by the participants of routine trainings, which has begun from March to the day of the event.

Peserta unjuk pangabisa "Evaluasi Latihan Rutin Lises Unpad 2016" di Auditorium Bale Santika Kampus Unpad Jatinangor, Sabtu, 17 September 2016. *
Participants of unjuk pangabisa at the “Evaluation for Training Routine of Lises Unpad 2016” at the Auditorium Bale Santika Jatinangor Campus, Saturday, September 17, 2016. *

Participants eligible for the evaluation included members Lises Unpad from the youngest of three forces: Wisnuwarman, Purnawarman, and Indrawarman. The forces consisted of 93 young artists including 72 dancers and 21 musicians (nayaga). The annual program is also a manifestation of Lises Unpad’s vision to explore, preserve, and develop Sundanese culture. Training Routine and Evaluation for Training Routine are parts of the program that aims to achieve Lises Unpad’s goal to preserve Sundanese culture.

As an illustration, this year’s Evaluation was set as a copy of Art Recital perfumed at the Bandung Institute of Indonesian Arts (ISBI), and assisted by Kang Ajey (Dana Komara), Kang Agus Kandiawan, and Kang Yuli Sunarya as girang pangajen (juries). However, the show was performed in more flexible and fresh performance, so that the audience is not aware that this program is a test for the performers. Rampak Kendang Lises Unpad was also invited to enliven the event.

Also present at the evaluation, Chairperson of Lises Unpad, Widi Nugroho from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Class of 2012 and Chief Executive Echis Nurfauziah from Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Class of 2013. The event began with Karawitan Gending at the first session and Traditional Dance in the second session. The majority of the audience is the parents of the participants who gave a positive appreciation and expressed their gratitude to watch their children performing Sundanese arts.

Not all participants have the basic knowledge or training of art and they come from several regions, not only from West Java, but also from East Java, Central Java, Sumatra, and Borneo. This program, eventually, would give motivation for the students that even though they come from different cultural backgrounds, they all have the sole purpose of preserving the Sundanese culture. *

Released by Lises Unpad / eh

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