Rico Saputra Represented BEM Kema of Pharmacy Unpad Joining IPSF World Congress in Zimbabwe

[Unpad.ac.id, 9/09/2016] Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad student, Rico Saputra participated in the 62nd International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) World Congress 2016, at the University of Zimbabwe, on 29 July to 8 August 2016. Rico was chosen for the event as a representative of the Student Executive Board of Pharmacy Students (BEM Kemafar), Universitas Padjadjaran.

Rico Saputra saat menghadiri 62nd International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) World Congress 2016, di University of Zimbabwe, pada 29 Juli – 8 Agustus 2016 lalu. *
Rico Saputra attending the 62nd International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) World Congress 2016, at the University of Zimbabwe, on 29 July to 8 August 2016. *

The event was held by the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Pharmaceutical Student Association (ZPSA). In addition to the General Assembly, the 62nd IPSF World Congress 2016 also comes with a variety of formal and informal activities, such as symposia, workshops, industry and pharmacy visit, public health campaigns, competitions (Education and Scientific Poster, Patient Counseling Event/PCE, Clinical Skill Event/CSE and CSE Jeopardy), as well as the Gala Night.

Of the competitions, Rico Saputra along with other Indonesian delegation placed fourth in the CSE Jeopardy. “CSE Jeopardy is an interactive clinical scenario analysis for hospital or health system pharmacists. This activity requires a pharmacist to improve clinical pharmacist problem solving ability, verbal and written communication skills, and to promote the role of pharmacists in patient care, “said Rico.

Furthermore, in the International Night, delegates introduced culture of each country, such as food and beverages, traditional clothing, and souvenirs. Indonesian delegation brought special food such as dry rendang, nastar, and banana sale, as well as traditional clothes and souvenirs uniquely designed from Indonesia. In addition, they also performed a traditional dance and musical arrangement from Indonesia.

farmasi-zimbabwe2The 62nd 2016 IPSF World Congress this year ended with a Gala Night, which was a farewell evening for all delegations. At the Gala Night, announced the host for World Congress 2017 and the winners of all competitions. During the activities of the World Congress, the Unpad delegate was fully supported by the Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad and sponsored by BJB Bank and Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution (KFTD).

“I hope that the Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad can take part by sending delegations annually to the World Congress, because this activity can measure and improve the ability of prospective pharmacists in Indonesia and receive updates regarding pharmaceutical issues in the world,” said Rico. *

Released by Faculty of Pharmacy Unpad / art


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