Unpad Student Choir and Embara Films Screens Documentary on European Choir Competition

[Unpad.ac.id, 20/09/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran officials attended a screening for the film Indonesia Kirana, a documentary production of Unpad Student Choir. The screening was held in Bale Rumawat Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Monday (9/19).

Perwakilan PSM Unpad menyerahkan cindera mata kepada Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, saat kegiatan pemutaran film dokumenter "Indonesia Kirana" di Bale Rumawat Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Senin (19/09). (Foto oleh: Artanti Hendriyana)*
Representative from Unpad Student Choir presented a souvenir to the Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, in the screening of Indonesia Kirana in Bale Rumawat Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Monday (9/19). (Photo by: Artanti Hendriyana) *

On that occasion, the Rector Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad gave a positive appreciation on the film and the achievements for the members of Unpad Student Choir.

“Hopefully this inspires us and provides more support for others to perform better,” Rector said at the opening ceremony.

Indonesia Kirana is documentary film featuring the journey of Unpad Student Choir competing for Unpad and Indonesia in Europe. For the production, the Choir worked with Embara Films as a partner. The film production also involves students of Faculty of Communication Unpad who are also members of the Choir.

Met during the screening, the Choir’s Advisor, Dra. Wina Erwina, MA said that the film is an effort from the students that does not interfere with their academic activities. Rather, the production would improve their academic ability.

“This is both a scientific outcome as well as historical memorabilia,” said Wina.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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