Celebrating Its 57th Anniversary, Faculty of Dentistry Unpad Held Workshops on Dentistry Skills

[Unpad.ac.id, 23/09/2016] To improve the capabilities and skills of dentists, Faculty of Dentistry (FKG), Universitas Padjadjaran held hands on or workshops on a variety of skills in dentistry. The event was held at Bale Atikan (Unpad Training Center), Jln. Ir. H. Juanda No. 4 Bandung, Friday (9/23) as part of the pre-event activities for the 57th anniversary of FKG Unpad.

Suasana salah satu workshop yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-57 FKG Unpad di Bale Atikan (Unpad Training Center), Kamis (22/09). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
One of the workshops held for the celebration of the 57th Anniversary of FKG Unpad in Bale Atikan (Unpad Training Center), Thursday (22/09). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup) *

Chairperson of Committee for FKG Unpad Dies Natalis, Nanan Nur’aeny, drg, Sp.PM said that these activities would provide trainings for a number of skills required for a dentist, both soft skills and hard skills. “Particularly, for specific areas that need updating skills,” said drg. Nanan.

The workshops were divided into nine themes in which each theme would consist of nine classes. The trainings were attended by a number of dentists in Bandung. As the instructors for the training were lecturers from FKG Unpad who were competent in their respective fields.

The nine theme included Diagnosis and Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunctions, Calculating Cost Unit and Predicting Turnover for Personal Practice and Partnership with BPJS, Diabetes Mellitus from Basic Science to Manifestation, Exercise, and Hypnotic Therapy, Creating Direct Composite Veneer with Beautiful Aesthetic Results, The Management of Space in the Mixed Dentition Orthodontic Treatment, Clinical Identification for Ulcerative Lesion of Oral Cavity for the Diagnosis and Management, Simple Odontectomy for General Practitioner, Creating Direct Composite Veneer with Beautiful Aesthetic Results, Simple Radiographic Inflammation and Lesion Interpretation and Lesion Interpretation of for Daily Practice, and Bite Inclined Plane.

dies-natalis-fkg-3-tedidies-natalis-fkg-1-tediThe highlight of FKG Unpad Dies Natalis will be held on Saturday (9/24) at Iwa Koesoemasoemantri Campus Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, with the main event scientific seminar at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata. This seminar will feature keynote speeches from Dr. Zaki Mubarak, drg., MS, Prof. Achmad Syawqie Yazid, drg., MS, Dr. Yosi Eriwati, drg., MS, and Dr. Sri Susilawati, drg., Kes. In addition to the main speakers, there will also be dozens of scientific papers to be presented.

Also, there will also be held tomorrow Fun Run, community service and blood donor, bazaar, free dental examination, and zumba race. The event will be attended not only by the academic community of FKG Unpad, but also by the local community around the campus.

“We want everyone to be involved to celebrate the anniversary of FKG. All the community members, administration staff and the people will be involved, “said drg. Nanan.

The main theme of this year’s anniversary celebration is sustainable dentistry education in order to create professional dentists in the era of the ASEAN economic community.

“We have to keep updating ourselves with the latest skills, theories, and sciences,” said drg. Nanan.

She hoped that FKG Unpad could bring more benefits for society. It is also expected, the results of research FKG Unpad would be more virtues to the development of dentistry widely.

“Not only in Indonesia, but also globally,” said drg. Nanan.*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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