[Unpad.ac.id, 13/09/2016] A total of 60 students from Universitas Padjadjaran in an organisation named the International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) Local Committee Unpad conducted an EducationVisit to the German Embassy in Jakarta, Wednesday (7/09). Visit was made in order to obtain information regarding the opportunity to study in Germany.

Foto bersama IAAS Unpad dan staf Kedubes Jerman di Jakarta *
Photo with IAAS Unpad and German Embassy staff in

Accompanied by the supervisor Irfan Rahadian Sudiyanan, SP, M.Sc., M.Sc., the group was received officially by the Head of the Division of Culture and Education Embassy of Germany, Jörg Kinnen. On the occasion, Kinnen conveyed some facts related to Germany, ranging from the structure of government, culture, politics, and a glimpse of German education.

Furthermore, the delegation was also given a presentation related to a scholarship program in Germany. For this, the embassy brought Hendro Prabowo and Muji Rahayu, as representatives from DAAD or German education and student authority in Indonesia. Hendro explained Master’s programs offered in Germany, including the requirement of obtaining a DAAD scholarship.

“Enrolled in Germany, you do not have to pay tuition fees, the cost of education in Germany is for free. In addition, there are a lot of scholarships from the German government. To apply for a DAAD scholarship, there are several requirements that must be met; one of which is to make an impressive motivation letter,” said Hendro.

Muji himself explained the opportunity to join one of the undergraduate programs named Study Visit and Study Seminar or Practical for Groups of Foreign Students to Germany. The purpose of this program is to establish and maintain contacts between universities in Germany with other universities outside Germany.

The program is open for a group of undergraduate students at the minimum of semester 2, Muji said, the program is participated by as many as 15 participants, accompanied by a supervisor.

Another presentation was delivered directly by the representative of the Goethe Institute of Jakarta, Veriana Devi. In her presentation, Veriana who served as the Public Relation Officer of Goethe Institute Jakarta described the culture, language, way of life, and important activities in Germany.

On the occasion, Irfan appreciated the German Embassy for accepting the delegation from Universitas Padjadjaran. He hoped that the visit to the Embassy may provide insights for the students on the opportunity to study in Germany.

In addition, the Education Visit is expected to add Universitas Padjadjaran collaboration with international institution, whether in collaborative research, seminar, student exchange, Double Degree Program, and other programs. *

Released by IAAS LC Unpad/am


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