Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad Helped Disaster Victims in Garut and Sumedang

[Unpad.ac.id, 30/09/2016] To support the everyday needs of the flood victims in Garut, Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP), Universitas Padjadjaran conducted social service for the affected area and donated money, food, and clothing. This support was directly received by Regent of Garut, H. Rudi Gunawan, SH., MH. in Garut Regent Office, Jl. Pembangunan no. 199, Garut, Wednesday (28/09). Besides Garut, DWP Unpad also provided aid for victims of landslides in the area of Sumedang.

Ketua Bidang Sosbud DWP Unpad, Ny. Lisda Sigid dan Ketua Bidang Pendidikan DWP Unpad, Ny. Yuli Arry saat menyerahkan bantuan bagi korban bencana di Kabupaten Garut kepada Bupati Garut, Rudi Gunawan, disaksikan Dekan Faperta Unpad, Dr. Ir. H. Sudarjat, M.P. di Kantor Bupati Garut, Rabu (28/09). *
Head of Social Culture Division DWP Unpad, Ny. Lisda Sigid and Head of Education Division DWP Unpad, Ny. Yuli Arry during the ceremonial aid system for the disaster victims in Garut Regency for Garut Regency, Rudi Gunawan, accompanied by Dean of Faperta Unpad, Dr. Ir. H. Sudarjat, M.P. in Regency Office Garut, Wednesday (28/09). *

The aid is a form of concern and care for the affected victims from DWP Universitas Padjadjaran and seeks to contribute the best and beneficial to local residents. Board of DWP Unpad led by Lisda Sigid (Head of Sosbud Division) and Yuli Arry (Head of Education Division). On the same occasion, Regent of Garut also received from Unpad, of Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Unpad, Dr. Ir. H. Sudarjat, M.P. who is working together with Government of Garut, as well as representatives of the Faculty of Social Science and representatives of Unpad alumni from the Faculty of Law 1991, which also did social work in the area.

img-20160930-wa0009img-20160930-wa0010Garut Regent, Rudi Gunawan, warmly welcomed and was grateful for the concern of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP), Universitas Padjadjaran, who participated to help victims of flood disasters in Garut.

“We are very grateful for this assistance, regardless of its form. This donation is very helpful for Garut government to launch program to relocate the residents because many buildings and homes were devastated, “he said.

Assistance provided by the DWP Unpad is 15 million IDR, adult clothing, children, infants, gloves, snacks, rice, toiletries, and dental health pamphlets. As for cash donations are used to provide a wage of Rp 75 thousand/day, by having people clean up debris, garbage, etc. due to the disaster. *

Released by: Wati Sukmawati (Dharma Wanita Persatuan Unpad) / eh

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