Unpad Prepared Regulation for State University of Legal Entities Implementation

Direktur Tata Kelola & Komunikasi Publik Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, M.Si., saat memberi materi pada Workshop Penyusunan Peraturan Rektor Universitas Padjadjaran Amanat PP Nomor 51 Tahun 2015, di Hotel Mason Pine, Rabu (24/08). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 24/08/2016] After officially set as State University of Legal Entities through PP No. 51 Year 2015, we are in a transition period before the implementation of Universitas Padjadjaran as State University of Legal Entities in early 2017. This transition period is the preparation of various regulations/legislation related to the management of State University of Legal Entities.

Direktur Tata Kelola & Komunikasi Publik Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, M.Si., saat memberi materi pada Workshop Penyusunan Peraturan Rektor Universitas Padjadjaran Amanat PP Nomor 51 Tahun 2015, di Hotel Mason Pine, Rabu (24/08). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Director of Governance and Public Communication Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, M.Si., presenting at Workshop of Universitas Padjadjaran Rector Regulation Drafting for PP Number 51 Year 2015 in Hotel Mason Pine, Wednesday (24/08). (Photo by Dadan T.)*

“Several regulations become liability, clearly stated in the PP 51, to be drafted,” said Vice Rector for Governance and Resources Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., M. Hum., during the opening of Workshop of Universitas Padjadjaran Rector Regulation Drafting for PP Number 51 Year 2015, Wednesday (24/08).

Attending the workshop are leaders and representatives of academic staff in each work unit within the Rectorate. Attended as speaker are Director Governance and Public Communication Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, S. Sos., M.Sc., and Special Staff of the Rector, Dr. Med. Setiawan, dr.

Dr. Sigid said that many aspects that must be written as regulation. With the university management authority granted by governments to Universitas Padjadjaran, all aspects of management must be based on regulation.

He took the example related to Unpad management as a State University of Legal Entities. According to him, the management of business entities cannot be determined only by the Rector, but there are regulations set forth by the Board of Trustees (BoT).

Further, Dr. Sigid explained that after the preparation of the basic regulation defined by the statute, there is also the derivative rules that should be developed. Although it is not explicitly stated in the statute, the regulation of derivatives related to the implementation of this important program compiled is Tridharma University.

This arrangement is not only the duty of the regulatory team, but also including a variety of energy in other work units. “In essence, what should be arranged is based on the competence of the authority of each work unit. Later, the regulatory team will compile it, “said Dr. Sigid.

Meanwhile Dr. Soni said that this regulation includes governance, organizational structure, and working procedures, as well as include aspects of legal certainty. “In fact, Rector in relation to governance has been putting forward synergy, integrity, accountably, and productivity,” he added.

Furthermore, Dr. Soni said that throughout the year 2016, there were 27 regulations approved the Rector and there are three regulations that are currently in the process of ratification. Meanwhile the amount of regulation in Performance Contract between Unpad with Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education as Legal Entity management related State University is in 34 regulations.

Currently, university has conducted mapping of drafting Rector Regulations in each work unit. This mapping is further discussed by each group of workshop participants. Hopefully, this arrangement can be completed quickly, so that Unpad can run as State Legal Entity management in early January 2017.

The mechanism of regulation related to the preparation, said Dr. Setiawan, involves several steps. The first stage is to seek for reference regulation at the national level as well as the Regulation of the previous Rector.

“After obtaining a reference, further substance discussion is conducted by each regulatory team and representative work unit. Then, the results are formulated as a final regulation. After the final, then the process of forming assisted Form Checklist problem is conducted,” said Dr. Setiawan. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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