Foto bersama peserta World Congress International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related Sciences di Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (1/08). *

[, 9/08/2016] International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related Sciences (IAAS) Organization Local Committee (LC) Unpad became one of the 5 LCs holding the 59th World Congress IAAS in Bandung, 30 July–1 August. Besides Bandung, the 23-day congress was held in Bogor, Semarang, Yogyakarta, and Malang.

Foto bersama peserta World Congress International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related Sciences di Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (1/08). *
Photo of World Congress International Association of Student in Agricultural and Related Sciences participants in Bale Sawala Unpad Jatinangor, Monday (1/08). *

World Congress (Woco) is yearly world congress under IAAS student organization, discussing various issue around agriculture and related fields.. With the topic of “Uniting and Empowering Global Youth to Facilitate the Equitable Access of Agriculture, Environment, and Education” and theme Plant Your Future, 64 delegations from 26 countries participated in the congress.

With WOCO implementation in Indonesia, IAAS LC Padjadjaran Indonesia hoped to strengthen Indonesia’s participation to solve agricultural problems in the world. The congress was opened with Gala Dinner at Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Saturday (30/07) night. During Gala Dinner a number of students from Student Society of Literature Sunda (Pamass) Unpad performed traditional dances.

Furthermore, on Sunday (31/07), participants were invited to follow Excursion Day at Saung Angklung Udjo, Bandung. The participants were invited to play angklung, musical instrument that has been recognized internationally by UNESCO. After the visit to Saung Udjo, participants departed for the Jendela Alam. Here, participants were divided into 3 groups with their respective duties; ie making salted egg, hydroponics, and visiting to a mushroom house.

“The students shared their thoughts, ideas, and experiences to develop agriculture world and took part in the progress of the agricultural sector,” said Aqil, Project Officer of Woco LC IAAS Unpad, in the release received by PR Unpad.

During the event held on Monday (1/08), Culture Day was the closing event of WOCO. The event held at Bale Sawala Jatinangor Rectorate Building was opened with a performance of Lises Unpad and Lises Citraresmi Universitas Winaya Mukti. In addition, an exhibition of traditional snacks Bandung was held. The event was closed with a closing video playback and photo. *

Released by IAAS LC Unpad/am

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