Unpad Held Workshop of Island-Characteristics Development Acceleration Strategy for Maluku Province

Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Masyrakat Unpad, Dr. Ayi Bachtiar, bertukar cinderamata dengan Ketua Bappeda Maluku, Anton Sihaloho, saat workshop Forum Investasi dalam Rangka Strategi Pencepatan Pembangunan Berciri Kepulauan di Provinsi Maluku di Unpad Training Center Bandung, Selasa (23/08). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup).*

[Unpad.ac.id, 23/08/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran through Directorate of Research and Community Engagement and Maluku Corner held Workshop of Investment Forum for Island-Characteristics Development Acceleration Strategy for Maluku Province. This event was held in Unpad Training Center, Jln. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 4 Bandung, Tuesday (23/08).

Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Unpad, Dr. Ayi Bahtiar, bertukar cinderamata dengan Kepala Badan Penanaman Modal Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (BPM-PTSP), Drs. Fauzan Chatib, M.Si., saat workshop Forum Investasi dalam Rangka Strategi Pencepatan Pembangunan Berciri Kepulauan di Provinsi Maluku di Unpad Training Center Bandung, Selasa (23/08). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup).*
Director of Research and Community Engagement Unpad, Dr. Ayi Bahtiar, exchanged souvenirs with Head of One Stop Investment Services (BPM-PTSP), Drs. Fauzan Chatib, M.Si., during workshop of Workshop of Investment Forum for Island-Characteristics Development Acceleration Strategy for Maluku Province at Unpad Training Center Bandung, Tuesday (23/08). (Photo by Tedi Yusup).*

“This activity is held in order to increase the development in Maluku province, particularly to improve the welfare in Maluku province,” said Director of Research and Community Service, Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Ayi Bahtiar at the opening ceremony.

In addition, this event was also held to facilitate and provide input for policy makers in Maluku province. Thus, Maluku will be able to become a pilot province in the islands provincial development.

“If for example the President wants to build a province characterized by islands, the Moluccas should be leader. Therefore it is how Maluku can provide an example to the acceleration of natural resource management and human resources, in particular for the province is characterized by islands, “said Dr. Ayi.

One speaker, Head of One Stop Investment Services (BPM-PTSP), Drs. Fauzan Chatib, M.Sc. explained the investment climate in the province of Maluku. He revealed that local private participation in direct investment activities in Maluku province is still minimal.

“The activities of domestic investment was more from outside the region, of Maluku province itself was very small; instead more of foreign investors,” said Fauzan.

There are various problems associated with the implementation of investments in Maluku, such as the absence of legislation governing the ease of investment, the implementation of investment services not optimal in terms of investment information to the licensing services, limited access to land that is convenient for investment, and to have not met the quality and quantity of human resources in the institution capital investment.

As effort to accelerate investment in Maluku, few things are conducted by the Provincial Government, including restoration of investor confidence through various promotional activities, combined with the increasing trade and tourism, increased cooperation with different parties and regions, increase in capital investment licensing services, to the preparation of regional development and investment.

Chairman of Bappeda Maluku, Anton Sihaloho revealed that in Maluku province alone there is excellent potential that have the prospect to be developed. The excellent potential of Maluku province includes the Field of Fisheries, Tourism, plantation, and mining (Energy and Mineral natural resources). *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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