Unpad Foreign Students Presented Variety of Culinary and Culture on International Day 2016

[Unpad.ac.id, 30/08/2016] Tasting dishes from different countries in one day may be very hard for some people. However, Universitas Padjadjaran has its own way of presenting culinary variety of different countries in one activity.

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (tengah), sedang mengunjungi stan yang menyajikan kuliner dari Bangladesh di Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Selasa (30/08). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (center), visiting a booth with Bangladesh food in Rectorate Building Unpad Jatinangor, Tuesday (30/08). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Through the “Global Insight & International Day 2016”, Unpad presented a variety of culinary and culture of various countries in the world. The annual event of the Directorate of Cooperation Unpad was held in the Rectorate Building Campus Jatinangor, Tuesday (30/08). A total of 15 countries participated in the event.

The participating countries are from three continents, including Thailand, Laos, Papua New Guinea, Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Palestine, Tanzania, Sudan, Nigeria, Madagascar, Tunisia, Poland, and Germany. Each country has a special booth to showcase their cultural and culinary diversity.

Various unique culinary displayed in the booths are: Med Kanoon (Thailand), Sangkaya (Laos), Prata Bread(Bangladesh), Halwa (India), Aloo Wala and Dhania Chatni (Pakistan), Kolak mix typical of Madagascar, Maqruna Tunisian and Slata Mechweya (Tunisia), Pilau Rice (Nigeria), and so forth. Also the cultural diversity and culinary Sunda booth participated next to other the participating countries.

Director of Cooperation Unpad, Parikesit, PhD, who is also the chairman of the International Day said that this event aimed to introduce cultural and culinary diversity of the various countries.

“In addition to focusing on the cultural and culinary, we expected interaction between cultures. We also want to also promote Sundanese culture at the international level, “said Parikesit.

Each of the participating countries, said Parikesit, was representative of foreign students studying in Unpad. In addition to the foreign students, other participants are those who join as foreign students, participating in Joint Summer Program.

Same with with Parikesit, Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, said that this event provides an opportunity for foreign students in Unpad to be able to introduce the diverse cultures of origin. “It’s a platform to share experiences of foreign students about their country of origin as well as how they are currently studying in Unpad,” Rector said when opening the event.

As foreign students who were studying in West Java, Rector also hoped students to also learn various languages, art and Sundanese culture.

International Day event was also filled with art performances of the participating countries, as well as the appearance of Rampak Kendang and Rengkenek Bandung by students Sundanese Literature FIB UNPAD. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh


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