University Not Only Improving Science but also Human Character

[, 29/08/2016] The process of higher education today is not just centered on science and research, but it can contribute to give effect to the public. This concept is being built by Universitas Padjadjaran to face the challenges of the current global changes.

humas unpad 2016_08_29 Kuliah Perdana sarjana DADAN“Higher education is not merely a continuation from the upper school education. But, it becomes a continuous educational aspects expected to increase the capacity, not only from the outside but the educational process as a whole, “said Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Acmad, during his inaugural lecture for new students Academic Year 2016/2017, in Bale Sawala Jatinangor Unpad Campus, on Monday (29/08).

The first lecture was also watched by new students via streaming broadcast at several locations: Faculty of Medicine Building Jatinangor, Faculty of Communication Sciences Jatinangor and Multicampus Building Unpad in Pangandaran.

The capacity building process is known as reforming higher education to the third generation. In the order of the third generation, higher education has a function for transformative learning. Transformative learning process, said Rector, is not only focused on increasing the knowledge, but also the process of improving the character of students.

Rector explained that higher education as transformative learning is the development of informative function of learning and formative learning. Two of these functions focus on improving scientific capacity and effort to acquaint students with the environment.

“You need more than these two aspects (informative and formative) if you want to encourage the development of the region successfully. Context-developed education Unpad should be closely related to what was experienced by the community, “said Rector.

Unpad began to implement transformative education process. Rector said that Unpad does not want to produce mediocre graduates. Each student will have leadership abilities. Unpad graduates shall become agents of change in the future.

An important key success transformative education process is to reform the learning process in the classroom. There is an attitude that must be built by student, including being critical, reading avidly, exchanging many ideas in various academic forums, building a sense of collaboration and interdependence with other disciplines.

To that end, Rector encouraged students to create discussions in any academic activity. The rapid development of today’s technology facilitated students to get different scientific references.

“Be active by reading and searching for information, discuss with friends and lecturers. This discussion process is the underlying strength of character. In addition, the relationship between students will be raised, “he explained.

The discussion process is not just about science, but can be in a territorial aspect. Rector said, with diverse origins territory Unpad students today, both from West Java and other regions, the momentum is perfect to find out how the conditions of each region.

“At least those of you coming from various regions can mutually discuss about the origin of your area. *

Material of First Lecture 2016/2017 by Rector of Unpad

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh


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