Unpad Team Optimistic in Pimnas Competition of Poster and Product Exhibition

Suasanaa pameran poster Pimnas ke-29 di IPB Bogor, Selasa (9/08). (Foto oeh: Dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 9/08/2016] The scoring of Poster and product exhibition of participants of the 29th National Student Science Week (Pimnas) have been implemented in the corridors of the Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Tuesday (9/08). Universitas Padjadjaran team was optimistic and have done their best.

Suasanaa pameran poster Pimnas ke-29 di IPB Bogor, Selasa (9/08). (Foto oeh: Dadan T.)*
Poster exhibition of the 29th Pimnas in IPB Bogor, Tuesday (9/08). (Photo by Dadan T.)*

“The judges had shown positive response to our program,” said Sitti Hidayatul Hikmma of PKM KC entitled “Smart Garden (Remote Monitoring System Variables in Plants Using Arduino Mikrikontroler)” after poster vote.

Sitti admitted that the comments of the jury had given her renewed vigor to compete in this event. Every question the judges can be answered properly. “Earlier the jury said that poster we made were good. It was the mood booster for today,” said Sitti.

Same was said by Arnaj Muhammad Madyan of PKM PE entitled “Rate Enhancement Water Solubility and Dissolution Rate of Simvastatin through Co-crystallization by Using a Slurry method Ko-Fomer Benzoic Acid, Saccharin and Aspartame”.

“The comments of the jury were well. They gave me many inputs for further research,” said Arnaj.

Furthermore Arnaj revealed that there were many positive comments from the jury about the team’s research results. Arnaj also claimed to be optimistic in Pimnas this year.

“Comments jury said the study was very good, helpful in drug development,” Arnaj said.

The preparation of poster and product exhibition has been done since the participants completed the registration desk on Monday (8/08) yesterday. The participants occupied poster booth and the title of the product in accordance with predetermined rules from the committee, based on the scheme PKM in which they participated. The slogans posted were what poster has verified during registration committee on desk.

After poster scoring, next Pimnas agenda was assessment presentation. Each participant was divided into a number of class presentations that have previously been determined, in accordance to their PKM scheme. Implementation of PKM presentation was held at the House of Common Class Room, from today until Wednesday (10/08).*

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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