109 Candidates of Lecturer Non PNS Unpad Completed State Defense Training

Foto bersama para Calon Dosen Tetap Non PNS Unpad yang baru selesai menjalani pelatihan Bela Negara di halaman Gedung Rektorat Unpad Bandung, Minggu (7/08). Pelatihan berlangsung di Situ Lembang pada 4-7 Agustus 2016 lalu. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 7/08/2016] 109 Candidates Lecturer Non PNS Universitas Padjadjaran participated in State Defense Training in Situ Lembang, 4 -7 August 2016 last. Participants was sent off officially by Vice Rector of Resources and Governance Unpad Dr. Sigid Suseno, M. Hum,, on Thursday (4/08) and officially welcomed by Director of Human Resources Unpad Diana Sari, PhD, at Unpad Campus Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Sunday (7/08).

Foto bersama para Calon Dosen Tetap Non PNS Unpad yang baru selesai menjalani pelatihan Bela Negara di halaman Gedung Rektorat Unpad Bandung, Minggu (7/08). Pelatihan berlangsung di Situ Lembang pada 4-7 Agustus 2016 lalu. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
Photo with candidates of Lecturer Non PNS Unpad after completing State Defense Training in front of Rectorate Building Unpad Bandung, Sunday (7/08). The training was held in Situ Lembang 4-7 August 2016. (Photo by Dadan T.)*

Met after the ceremony and reception in the lobby of Bandung Rectorate Building, Diana said that the training was held in order to prepare candidates of Lecturer to become a leader in Unpad. “They are the candidates for the leadership Unpad in 5 to 10 years into the future,” said Diana.

IN preparation, competence and character of the absolute leader must be part of lecturer candidates. Diana said that these characters include high discipline, love the state, and spirit of esprit de corps (loyalty to the organization). Variety of characters is expected to be formed early in lecturer candidates.

In addition to leadership preparation, lecturer candidates should also be taught to collaborate across faculties/disciplines. This, says Diana, is necessary in order to implement the concept of transdisciplinary collaboration that is always initiated by Unpad.

“This is a good momentum to realize Unpad Ngahiji, Unpad Kahiji,” said Diana.

As for the training, lecturer candidates were given basic military training, leadership materials, and simulation of strategic decision-making. On Saturday (6/08) evening, participants will also be briefed directly by a Member of the Board of Trustees at once composers Hymn of Padjadjaran, Iwan Abdurrahman.

In the reception ceremony, three best participants were announced. They were Samson CMS, S.Sos., M.I.Kom., Hilman Abdul Halim, M.AP., and Rina Fajri Nurwada, M.Sc.*

Reported by: Arief Maulana / eh


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