Prima Yusi Sari, SE., ME., Ak Won Best Poster Presenter in National Symposium on Accounting 2016

[, 31/08/2016] The academic community of Accounting Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Unpad successful made its achievement at the 19th ” National Symposium on Accounting ” (SNA) at the State University of Lampung, August 24 to 26. SNA activity is an annual event held by the Indonesian Accountants Association (IAI).

Prima Yusi Sari, S.E., M.E., Ak
Prima Yusi Sari, S.E., M.E., Ak

In the event, Lecturer of Accounting Unpad, Prima Yusi Sari, S.E., M.E., Ak., won the award for “Best Poster Presenter”. The research poster entitled “Trade off Theory or Pecking Order Theory ” managed to excel among approximately 300 other presenters. The research is collaboration with one of the students in Accounting Unpad, Arxiliaria.

In addition, other Lecturer of Accounting, Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.S., Ak., was re-elected as Chairman of IAI Compartment Accounting Educators for the period of 2016-2018. The election of Dr. Nunuy was based on the results of voting conducted by the participants of the activities. Previously, Dr. Nunuy is chairman of IAI Compartment Accounting Educators period 2014-2016.

“This is a huge mandate. I would like to thank you for the support of the fellow lecturers from Sabang to Merauke and especially fellow accounting lecturer from Unpad, “said Dr. Nunuy through the release received by Unpad PR.

Other mandate is also given to Prof. Dr. Sri Mulyani, Ak., CA., as Professor of Accounting Unpad. Prof. Sri returned by acclamation to lead the Forum Communication Lecturer in Accounting Information Systems period 2016-2018.

Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.S., Ak., terpilih kembali menjadi Ketua IAI Kompartemen Akuntan Pendidik
Dr. Nunuy Nur Afiah, M.S., Ak., was re-elected Chairman of IAI Compartment Accounting Educators

Still in the same event, textbook “Financial Accounting” written Ersa Tri Wahyu, PhD, Lecturer in Accounting Unpad, and four lecturers from the University of Indonesia was also launched. Rosita Uli Sinaga, one of the author, said that this book is the result of collaboration between Unpad with UI. This book incorporate various Accounting case studies that occurred in Indonesia as well as the use of accounting standards and regulations also apply in Indonesia.

The 19th SNA activities were attended by 950 registrants from across Indonesia with a number of scientific papers that enter as many as 300 pieces. Unpad submitted five scientific papers and two poster presentations of research that were collaboration between faculty and student accounting. The next SNA activities are to be held at the University of Jember. *

Released by Departemen Akuntansi FEB Unpad/arf


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