Jawa Barat Governor Attended 2016 Supercamp Event in Cimerak Pangandaran

Gubernur Jabar disaksikan Bupati NB Pangandaran dan Rektor Unpad saat meresmikan Bumi Walagri Padjadjaran dalam rangkaian kegiatan Supercamp 2016 di Cimerak, Kab. Pangandaran, Sabtu (13/08). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup) *

[Unpad.ac.id, 14/08/2016] West Java Governor Ahmad Heryawan and Regent of Pangandaran H. Jeje Wiradinata and Rector Universitas Padjadjaran Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, inaugurated Earth Walagri Legokjawa Padjadjaran in the village, Cimerak, district Pangandaran, Saturday (13/08). This building became one of Padjadjaran efforts in improving public health in the South Coast region of West Java.

Gubernur Jabar disaksikan Bupati NB Pangandaran dan Rektor Unpad saat meresmikan Bumi Walagri Padjadjaran dalam rangkaian kegiatan Supercamp 2016 di Cimerak, Kab. Pangandaran, Sabtu (13/08). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup) *
West Java Governor and Regent of Pangandaran and Rector during the launch of Earth Walagri Padjadjaran in 2016 for a series of Supercamp activities Cimerak, District Pangandaran, Saturday (13/08). (Photo by Tedi Yusup) *

The inauguration of the building is part of an activities series of “Supercamp 2016” in the Cimerak, district Pangandaran, August 12 to 14. The activities which this year carries the theme of “Cimerak in HEALTH (Harmony Elaboration for Life and Humanity)” is a form of implementation of the Universitas Padjadjaran tridharma responsibilities community engagement to West Java in the South Coast region. Moreover, this activity is also an implementation of Curriculum Development Integrated Health System faculty.

Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, said that Earth Walagri Padjadjaran in the district. This is the fifth building in Cimerak established by Unpad. Four other buildings founded in Rancabuaya-South Garut in 2012, Cidaun-South Cianjur (2013), Edge Tile-South Sukabumi (2014), and Cipatujah-South Tasikmalaya.

“This signifies we have a campus Unpad in the South Coast region of West Java,” said Rector during his speech in the opening ceremony “Supercamp 2016” in the village of Kertamukti, Cimerak, Pangandaran.

The opening ceremony was attended by Unpad leadership, Deans, participants Head of Supercamp, Head of the Village, and the people in the district Cimerak. Also present Governor of West Java, Regent and Vice Regent of Pangandaran, Director of Hasan Sadikin Hospital in Bandung, Director Cicendo Eye Hospital, as well as representatives from PT Pertamina.

The south coast of West Java was chosen because this region has tremendous potential but has not been considered as potential. “If we were able to focus on the most difficult part, the other part can be easier to be pushed in order to be better,” said Rector.

The main theme of “Ka Pakidulan Mapag Maslahat”, Rector said that there is an important aspect that is driven Unpad, namely to instill the values of devotion to the academic community Unpad.

“By our academic community continuous exposure to areas like this, in the future there is no doubt that the best youth in Unpad could serve in the entire archipelago,” said Rector.

Bumi Padjadjaran Walagri is media implementation and scientific development Unpad academic community. Besides being used as a health-care facility, the building is also integrated with various educational backgrounds in Unpad.

In order to strengthen learning process, Earth Walagri Padjadjaran is equipped with teleconferencing facilities. This facility allows health workers to consult the patient or operating processes broadcast via teleconference to some areas.

Establishment of Earth Walagri Padjadjaran in Cimerak, Pangandaran, is once again closed circuit of Unpad provision for health facilities in Southern coastal areas of West Java. Interestingly, said Rector, the inauguration in Cimerak also coincided with the opening of education Multicampus Padjadjaran University in Pangandaran.

On the occasion, Jeje welcomed establishment of the Earth Walagri Padjadjaran in Cimerak. Hopefully, this building is not just space access provider to health, but can also be a communication space between Unpad with the district government.

Head of Supercamp 2016, Dicky Mulyadi, dr., Sp.OT (K), said that this activity involves 2,000 participants consisting of students and lecturers from all faculties in Unpad. Various activities were held simultaneously in all villages in the district Cimerak, including: Polyclinics, free cataract surgeries, free hernia surgery, cleft lip surgery, mass circumcision, prenatal care, to socialization self-medication.

Other activities were also held that dissemination of technology gardening, dental examinations and caries, mapping human capital, natural resource use, and dissemination of disaster mitigation.

After the opening Supercamp, Governor, Rector, along with the Regent and Vice Regent Pangandaran also planted mangroves in the coastal areas in the village Kertamukti, and witnessed the handover of donations of books from Alumni Association Universitas Padjadjaran to the Head of the District. Pangandaran. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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