Fazlan Muallif the Best Graduate of Diploma Program Who Is Active in Organization

(Foto oleh: dadan T.)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 2/08/2016] In Wave IV Graduation Ceremony academic year of 2015/2016, Fazlan Muallif from Accounting Studies Program Faculty of Economics and Business was awarded as the best graduate for Diploma Program. Fazlan graduated with GPA of 3.96 and study time of 2 years and 10 months. Fazlan’s graduation ceremony was on the second session, Tuesday (2/08) afternoon.

(Foto oleh: dadan T.)*
Fazlan Muallif, best graduate of Diploma Program at Unpad Graduation Ceremony Wave IV Academic Year 2015/2016 (Photo by Dadan T.)*

“Alhamdulillah. I am very proud to excel, a nice result of what has been cultivated over the years. At the end I become the best graduate,” said Fazlan when met at the PR Unpad office, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung.

Fazlan has life principle to always strive to be the best. This has always encouraged him to do the best he can, wherever he is, whenever there is any obstacle he is facing.

“Wherever I was, I want to be the best, and to be able to make an impact in the community or place that I reside,” said the man born in Payakumbuh, April 22, 1995.

Fazlan do not feel any different to the way of learning. If there is a subject matter that he did not understand, Fazlan has never been reluctant to directly ask the lecturer. In addition, just before the exam, he would often discuss and learn with friends.

During his study, Fazlan was also active in student activities, namely Accounting Students Association (Himaku) and Art Unit of Minangkabau. Fazlan is also the winner of three Olympic champion D-III Economic BEM FEB Unpad in 2015.

Although sometimes have difficulty in managing his time, Fazlan enjoyed his days. He likes to be busy. “I actually like busy. If there is less activity, I would not know what to do, “he said.

After graduation, Fazlan was determined to continue the study of accounting to the levels of S-1. He also hopes in the future he can open a public accounting firm in his hometown, Payakumbuh, West Sumatra. According Fazlan, there are not many public accounting firms.

“My dream, if God allows, is to manage my own public accounting firm. Additionally, I wanted to share the knowledge, becoming professors or practitioners in the field of Accounting,” he said.

Fazlan also hopes to always perform and make his parents proud. “I think that this has not yet make my parents proud enough. There is still a long way forward to make them proud,” said Fazlan.

Met on the same occasion, both Fazlan parents, Resnulius and Nelvida have also expressed their pride in the achievements of their son.

“Gratitude and pride. Indeed, judging from the first start of school, from elementary, junior high, high school, including he has always been the child who excelled. I feel proud of the achievements that he got,” said Resnulius. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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