Unpad Opened Admission Selection Dip-4 and Graduate Multi Campus Program in Pangandaran

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (tengah), didampingi Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus, saat jumpa pers penerimaan mahasiswa baru Diploma 4, S-1 Multi Kampus Pangandaran, dan Dokter Layanan Primer di Executive Lounge Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Senin (25/07). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)

[Unpad.ac.id, 25/07/2017] As one of the efforts of Universitas Padjadjaran in advancing development in West Java region, especially East Priangan, Unpad opened Multi Campus Graduate Education in Pangandaran starting this year. Courses open for enrollment are Business Administration (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Livestock (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Communication Studies (Faculty of Communication), Nursing (Faculty of Nursing), and Fisheries (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences).

Rektor Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (tengah), didampingi Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik dan Kemahasiswaan Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus, saat jumpa pers penerimaan mahasiswa baru Diploma 4, S-1 Multi Kampus Pangandaran, dan Dokter Layanan Primer di Executive Lounge Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Senin (25/07). (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)
Rector Unpad, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad (center) and Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs Unpad, Dr. Arry Bainus, during press conference of new student admission Diploma 4, Graduate Multi Campus Pangandaran, and Primary Physicians Service in Executive Lounge Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Monday (25/07). (Photo by Dadan T.)

Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad said that the courses are open courses with strong relevance to the needs of the region. The new study programs are existing study programs at Universitas Padjadjaran and has A accreditation. Five of these courses were study programs with high interest for SNMPTN and SBMPTN.

“These are not new study program, but Prodi existing learning process conducted in Pangandaran. The goal is to encourage development of the region, because university in the area will provide leverage for development of the region,” Rector said in the press conference at the Executive Lounge Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Monday (25/07).

The presence of university in a region will not only produce superior human resources, but also produce other university product, such as research. In addition, the presence of universities in the region, the expected economic life in the region will expand.

The capacity for each of the course is 30 people. Of these, fifty percent of its quota is for the citizens of Pangandaran and its surrounding areas, and while the remaining fifty percent will be competed nationally.

“Hopefully after graduation they could strengthen Pangandaran,” said Rector.

Scholarships will be given to 15 Pangandaran based students with the hope that they could show strong commitment in developing Pangandaran. Meanwhile for those who are accepted by national selection (not from Pangandaran) will need to pay the tuition and be provided dormitory not far from the campus.

Registration for Multi Campus Program in Pangandaran will be opened starting on 28 July 2016. The selection will be conducted based on academic achievement results using the report card, high school diploma, and the National Examination result.

Applied Degree/Diploma 4
This year Unpad will also open up a number of courses to undergraduate Applied/Diploma 4. The program of study that will be opened are Tax Accounting (Faculty of Economics and Business), Public Administration (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Public Administration (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Chinese Language and Culture (Faculty of Arts), and Media Production Management (Faculty of Communication). In addition, Midwifery Studies Program has been opened.

Rector said that this vocational study program would be directed to meet the needs of professionals who are more applicable. “These vocational programs are important. At the moment the interests are increasingly stronger because they will fill the greater need of professionals in this vocational field, especially in terms of applicative, “said Rector.

Vocational education was far more widely known only up to level 3 Diploma (level 5 KKNI). Rector said that for graduate of Diploma 3 there is a competence that should be encouraged again to be better prepared to interact with the various parties and to develop. Bachelor of Applied Studies Program was opened in order to increase the competitive level of college graduates in the applicative aspects. In addition, the diploma 4 will be more open in furthering studies at the Graduate Applied.

Registration of new students for this program will be available beginning today, Monday (25/07). The information can be accessed at http://smup.unpad.ac.id and click Diploma. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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