Unpad Discussed Work Program ASUP Jabar with Sumedang Govt Regency

Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Kerja Sama, Inovasi, dan Usaha Unpad Dr. Keri Lestari (kiri) saat membahas program ASUP Jabar bersama Pemkab Sumedang di Ruang Rapat Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Sumedang, Jumat (29/07). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 29/07/2016] Strategic Alliance Program Universitas Padjadjaran in West Java (ASUP Jabar) in Sumedang began to start work plans. Handling health sector and improving the quality for Affected People (OTD) in project Jatigede became a major focus of Unpad in Sumedang.

Wakil Rektor Bidang Riset, Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Kerja Sama, Inovasi, dan Usaha Unpad Dr. Keri Lestari (kiri) saat membahas program ASUP Jabar bersama Pemkab Sumedang di Ruang Rapat Kantor DPRD Kabupaten Sumedang, Jumat (29/07). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, Innovation, and Business Unpad Dr. Keri Lestari (left) during the discussion of ASUP Jabar program with Regency Government Sumedang in Meeting Room DPRD Office Sumedang Regency, Friday (29/07). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

The discussion is part of ASUP Jabar program consolidation meeting in Meeting Room DPRD Sumedang Regency office, Friday (29/07) morning. Attending the meeting were Head of Human Resources, Education, and Training Sumedang Regency Dadi Mulyadi, Head of Education Sumedang E. Hendrawan, as well as Director of Sumedang Hospital dr. Hilman Taufik.

Meanwhile, attending the meeting from Unpad were Vice Rector for Research, Community Engagement, Cooperation, Innovation, and Business Unpad Dr. Keri Lestari, ASUP Jabar Coordinator in Sumedang Dr. Nina Djustiana and professors involved in Professor In Villages in Sumedang.

Nina said that in health care quality improvement sector, Sumedang regency required a number of health professionals and health administration staffs to be posted in hospitals and health centers. Based on Health Department records, about 20 doctors are required to be posted at health center in Sumedang area.

“We are trying to provide this need and Sumedang government will provided scholarships,” said Nina who is also Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Unpad.

In addition to distributing health personnels, Unpad also would hold a surgery for cleft lip and palate as well as social events in the region Sumedang. Sumedang society can apply for free cleft lip and palate operation in Dental and Oral Hospital Universitas Padjadjaran.

asup sumedang 1 -tediWhile in handling OTF sector in Jatigede, Unpad would strengthen welfare for affected communities in development in the reservoir. The program was led by Professor of Social and Political Science, Padjadjaran University Prof. Opan S. Suwartapradja who have done Unpad Academic Leadership Grant (ALG) in the Jatigede region.

Other programs will include improvement of the irrigation channel model in the area of Sumedang rice fields.

Keri also welcomed the proposed programs carried by Unpad in Sumedang. Especially to strengthen health sector, Unpad is ready to distribute health personnel to the Sumedang region. The distribution is in accordance with the pattern of medical education that will be implemented in the academic year 2016/2017, which requires Unpad medical students to serve 27 City/Regency in West Java after graduation.

“Hopefully our education could provide the human resources need in West Java, ” said Keri.*

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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