Rector: KKNM PPMD Is Part of Unpad’s Commitment for Community Engagement

Peserta KKNM PPMD Unpad saat diterima pimpinan daerah Kabupaten Majalengka di Kantor Bupati Majalengka, Selasa (19/07) kemarin. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 20/07/2016] Rector Universitas Padjadjaran, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad, sent off participants of KKNM PPMD Integrative Unpad period July-August 2016 in Campus Parking Lot PPBS Jatinangor, Tuesday (20/06). On the occasion, Rector reminded that students can learn from KKNM and used it as a medium to join the society.

Peserta KKNM PPMD Unpad saat diterima pimpinan daerah Kabupaten Majalengka di Kantor Bupati Majalengka, Selasa (19/07) kemarin. (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Participants KKNM PPMD Unpad during the reception by regional leaders in Majalengka, Majalengka Regent Office, Tuesday (19/07). (Photo by: Tedi Yusup) *

“We believe that KKNM is not to be a separate part of the various determination Unpad in stronger community engagement,” said Rector during his speech in front of students, leaders, and professors who became Field Supervisor (DPL) in KKNM.

In contrast to the previous implementation, KKNM this time is integrated in the program Professor In Village. For a month professor is to accompany the student to carry out the community engagement program at locations of KKNM in Indramayu, Majalengka, Subang, and Purwakarta regencies.

Integrated in various activities through a real form of implementation KKNM is injecting academic strength in the community. Rector said that strengthening of this program should be able to provide better development to the community, especially in the villages.

“In the future we must see that the course of events is to rigorously improve further development indicators, both at the level of development, the city/county, and province. It also should be able to integrate a variety of good development between rural and city/county, “said Rector.

Hopefully, students and professors are able to build strong synergies, so that the development indicators can be achieved. Other targets, said Rector, is that through KKNM it is expected to collect various materials that are based on conditions on the real condition. This material will be processed into the next academic product.

“Hopefully with this KKNM methods, students can gain something more than that had been obtained on campus,” said Rector.

KKNM departure is divided into two sessions. The first session was held on Tuesday (19/07) for departure to the district Indramayu and Majalengka. Meanwhile the second session was held on Wednesday (20/07) for departure to the district Subang and Purwakarta.

Students and DPL in the district of Indramayu and Majalengka has also been received directly by regional leaders in the District. In the district Indramayu, the group was received by Vice Regent of Indramayu, H. Supendi, in Indramayu Regent Office Hall, Tuesday (19/07) afternoon. Besides Vice Regent, government officials of district Indramayu were present.

In his speech, Supendi welcomed students of KKNM to Indramayu. Society is an effective learning media for students on campus in addition to the learning process.

“With so many knowledge, it is expected that the problems in society can be addressed, discussed with, and when the time comes if there is a solution, we will put in Indramayu medium-term planning,” said Suhendi who is also alumni of Universitas Padjadjaran. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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