FH Unpad Students Participated in International Competition of International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot in the UK

Tim mahasiswa FH Unpad yang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi IMLAM di Exeter dan London, Inggris, 2 – 8 Juli 2016. *

[Unpad.ac.id, 28/07/2016] Students of Faculty of Law Universitas Padjadjaran participated in The 17th International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot (IMLAM) competition held in Exeter and London, United Kingdom, 2–8 July. The completion was already held 17 times and this time hosted 28 participating teams from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong, India, UK, Spain, France, Sri Lanka, and The Netherlands.

Tim mahasiswa FH Unpad yang berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi IMLAM di Exeter dan London, Inggris, 2 – 8 Juli 2016. *
FH Unpad Students Team participating in IMLAM competition in Exeter and London, UK, 2–8 July 2016. **

In a press release received by PR Unpad, this competition was one of the moot court competitions or pseudo-annual session that raised legal issues surrounding marine transportation resolved in an arbitration process as its main theme.

The background of FH Unpad participation in IMLAM was is based on the need for global relationships and knowledge. Dispute is not likely to happen in an era where transactions between countries and continents are no longer difficult. The dispute between the two companies could happen between two countries with different legal systems and thus require accommodation settlement by a third party.

Therefore, arbitration process and range of international commercial rules are present to resolve the dispute. This process should become familiar, especially among law students. Introduction of the various issues and the dispute settlement process is Universitas Padjadjaran aim in the competition.

In the competition, Unpad team posed hypothesis in representation of clients in four innings. In the four innings, the team dealt with team from the University of Malaya, City University London, University of Sydney, and Gujarat National Law University. The team managed to maintain their argument while winning the case with the opponents of the University of Malaya and City University London.

Team participation in this competition cannot be separated from full support of the university, faculty and FH Unpad Alumni Association. In addition, the team also has the support of BANI Arbitration Center, Telkomsel, Mochtar Karuwin Komar Law Firm, Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, Hermawan Juniarto Law Firm, Pupuk Kaltim, ABNR Law Firm, and The British Institute (TBI). *

Released by FH Unpad/am

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