Thursday 28 July, Unpad Open Entrance of Multi Campus Graduate Education in Pangandaran Registration

[, 27/07/2016] Starting Thursday (28/07), Universitas Padjadjaran Entrance Selection registration opens Multi Campus Graduate Education in Pangandaran. PIN purchase period begins on July 28, 2016, 08:00 pm until August 5, 2016, at 16.00 pm. Online registration is open from July 28, 2016 at 12:00 pm until August 6, 2016 at 23:59 pm. Courses open for enrollment are Business Administration (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences), Livestock (Faculty of Animal Husbandry), Communication Studies (Faculty of Communication), Nursing (Faculty of Nursing), and Fisheries (Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences).

logounpadAccording to Director of Governance and Public Communication Unpad, Dr. Soni A. Nulhaqim, S.Sos., M.Si, the selection will be conducted based on academic achievement results using the first up to sixth semester report card, the National Examination result and high school diploma/MA and SMK. This selection accommodates graduates of public and private SMA/MA/SMK in 2014, 2015 and 2016 year. “Participants must be graduates of education unit with proof of high school diploma/MA/SMK. Successful participants will be announced on August 15, 2016,” he added.

The registration phases involve registering and printing Invoice Number Cost Selection SMUP by accessing With this number, the participants can make payments to the bank amounting to 300,000 IDR, through the teller, ATM, or internet banking. After payment, prospective participants will acquire the Journal Number and PIN.

“Keep the Journal Number and PIN well because they will be used for the entire selection process SMUP, including filling in online bio, examinee card printing, and new student registration if the participant is enrolled,” continued Dr. Soni.

In addition to Journal and PIN number during online registration, other preparation includes personal details, education data origin, the personal data of parents/guardians, and elective courses. In addition, scan of report card for first until sixth semester, with a maximum size of each minimum of 300 kbyte and 100KB, also color photograph 3×4 with a maximum size of 100 KB with JPG format are required. Photograph should be official one for the formal academic requirements. To input grades, scale values used are 1-100. For report card has a value of 1-4 or 1-10 scale, it is required to be converted to a scale of 100, by an official of the school.

Online bio data filling can only be done once without any chance for revision or data improvement. The data input must be in accordance with the original data. If a discrepancy is found, it can abort graduation. After filling online bio, applicants are required to print bio and statements using A4 sized paper and complete biographical data and statement.

All information regarding registration SMUP Multi Campus Graduate Education in Pangandaran can be accessed at If applicants have difficulty in registering, please contact SMUP Padjadjaran via telephone number: (022) 84288819 or (022) 84288828, No. Fax. (022) 84288838 or via Unpad Public Relations, Telephone: (022) 84288866, No. Fax. (022) 84288898 or e-mail:*

Reported by Marlia / eh

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