Pemeriksaan kesehatan calon mahasiswa Unpad jalur SBMPTN sebagai salah satu syarat kelengkapan registrasi administratif di Klinik UPT Kesehatan Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 46, Bandung, 19 – 29 Juli mendatang. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*

[, 20/07/2016] 3,556 new graduate students for 2016/2017 academic years from SBMPTN begin their required medical examination to complete registration administrative. The medical examination was held at Clinic Health Unit Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 46, Bandung, July 19-29.

Pemeriksaan kesehatan calon mahasiswa Unpad jalur SBMPTN sebagai salah satu syarat kelengkapan registrasi administratif di Klinik UPT Kesehatan Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 46, Bandung, 19 – 29 Juli mendatang. (Foto oleh: Dadan T.)*
The required medical examination of Unpad SBMPTN students to complete registration administrative in Clinic Health Unit Unpad Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 46, Bandung, July 19-29 next. (Photo by Dadan T.) *

Director of Education Unpad Prof. Dr. Budi Setiabudiawan, dr., Sp.A (K), Kes., met on Wednesday (20/07) said that the purpose of this medical examination is to provide recommendations for study program/ office regarding the health status of new students.

The test are general medical examinations, including height and weight measurement, pulse examination, heart condition, lungs, body temperature, consulting medical history, and color blind tests.

If any abnormalities or health problems are found, intensive examination would be conducted and students and parents will be able to do further treatment.

“With these health test result, leaders of faculty/study program can monitor studednts’ health condition,” said Prof. Budi.

For a more intensive examination, said Prof. Budi, Unpad new students will be enrolled into BPJS service. Thus, they can perform further checks in multiple health clinics in Unpad who work with BPJS.

Currently, there are four Unpad health clinics, namely the Health Clinic at Jalan Dipati Ukur No. 46, Universitas Padjadjaran Teaching Hospital, Pharmacy Unpad Education, and Clinical Padjadjaran in Jatinangor campus.

“If one requires specialist services, they can be referred to the Specialist Hospital and use BPJS,” added Prof. Budi.

To that end, Prof. Budi asked students to not hesitate in conveying their health history. This is important for the preparation of early treatment of various abnormalities/diseases owned by prospective students.

humas unpad 2016_07_20 pemerikasaan kesehatan 2 DADANhumas unpad 2016_07_20 pemerikasaan kesehatan 3 DADANRe students with color-blind, after a medical examination is completed, the Directorate of Education will collect data of students identified as having color blindness. Several study programs in Unpad required students to not be colorblind.

“If one choses Study Program that requires non color blind students, we will recommend the students to move into study programs that do not require color blind test,” said Prof. Budi.

Head of Unit of Health Service Unpad, Dr. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat, Sp. OG-K, said that 9 to 10 teams of doctors are on standby to serve the medical examination. In one day, they limit the number of new students as many as 350 people with long examination time per person of about 20 minutes. The medical examination is free of charge.

To schedule a medical examination, students can choose their schedule during online data filling on last June 30-July 18. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh


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