Structuring K3L As a Form of Unpad Care for Citizens of Jatinangor

Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., MHum

[, 8/06/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran is currently conducting a manpower arrangement of Cleanliness, Beauty and Comfortable Environment (K3L) to fit the objective being a community engagement, in this case with of the Jatinangor community. This arrangement also aims to improve the welfare of workers of K3L Unpad.

Perwakilan K3L saat sedang berdialog dengan pimpinan Unpad di Gedung Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Senin (6/06). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Representative of K3L during the dialog with Unpad Leadership, also in attendance representative of the police force, in Rectorate Building Rektorat Unpad Jatinangor, Monday (6/06). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

“If they are the citizens of Jatinangor, we guarantee their employment. In fact, we seek to improve their welfare. For that, we shall verify the identity by collaborating with the Village Heads in Jatinangor. If they were not citizens Jatinangor, it would not be in accordance with our aim, and become negative finding in the term of the use of the state budget, “said Vice Rector for Governance and Resources
Universitas Padjadjaran, Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., M.Hum, in Rectorate Meeting Room, Jalan Dipati Ukur 35 Bandung, Wednesday (8/06).

Dr. Sigid explained that it is possible to reduce the number of K3L Unpad personells. But the reduction is due to the restructuring measures, in order for K3L to be filled by Jatinangor citizens and to have their data administratively recorded well in Unpad. Currently, there are K3L personnel who are allegedly not citizens of Jatinangor. This governance policy is not immediate and has been gone through several discussions in the previous months.

Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., MHum
Dr. Sigid Suseno, SH., MHum

In relation with the Appointment Decree (SK) questioned by the K3L, Dr. Sigid asserted that SK suspended until all verification is complete. During the verification, the K3L are still getting their rights. If the verification found unmatched data, SK can be revised.

“Do not trust rumors. This is all for the benefit of Jatinangor community. We must conduct verification to confirm all the related rights. Salary payments are made directly to individuals. Therefore we have asked you to create a bank account. All the recruitment will be done by Unpad, not by individuals, “said Dr. Sigid. *

Reported by Erman

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