Pengukuhan Unit Pengumpul Zakat Unpad oleh Baznas Jawa Barat di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Kamis (2/06). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*

[, 2/06/2016] Chairman of the National Zakat Board West Java, KH. Arif Ramdani, MH has confirmed the caretakers of Zakat Unit (UPZ) Unpad . This inauguration was done in the event of Welcoming Ramadhan 1437 H at Graha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Jln. Dipati Ukur No. 35 Bandung, Thursday (2/06).

Pengukuhan Unit Pengumpul Zakat Unpad oleh Baznas Jawa Barat di Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Kamis (2/06). (Foto oleh: Tedi Yusup)*
Inauguration of Zakat Unit Unpad by Baznas West Java at Grha Sanusi Hardjadinata Unpad, Thursday (2/06). (Photo by Tedi Yusup)*

Zakat Unit was assigned to, among others, socialize and educate about zakat in Unpad, provide zakat consultation, register muzakki candidates, submit muzakki data to Baznas of West Java province, receive payment of zakat, submit the payment to Baznas West Java province, as well as help Baznas West Java Province in the distribution and utilization of zakat.

On the occasion, a symbolic handover of Zakat Payment Registration Number to Unpad represented by Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad and Chairman of the Alumni Association of Padjadjaran, Hikmat Kurnia.

“Now at least there will be a guarantee of obligation for our profession income. We do not need to calculated the amount again, it will be automatically paid,” said Rector, Prof. Tri Hanggono Achmad in his speech.

The caretakers inaugurated were Dr. Gigin Ginanjar Kamil Basar, S.Sos., M.M as chairman, Dr. Dudi, M.Si. as Secretary, Dr. Risna Reesnawati, S.Sos., M.P. as Treasurer, Dr. H. Hasbini, M.Ag. as Coordinator of Zakat Collection, Zaenal Muttaqin, S.Sos., M.Si. as Coordinator of Distribution and Empowerment, and Drs. Slamet Usman Ismanto, M.Si as Coordinator of Planning and Information.

“Hopefully, you could carry out this mandate in accordance with the guidance of Islamic law and the legislation in order to optimize the calculation of zakat, infaq, and charity, as well to socialized and educate those who are followers of Islam at the Universitas Padjadjaran,” said Arif Ramdani during the inauguration.

The event of Welcoming Ramadhan 1437 H also featured tausiyah of KH. Abdullah Gymnastiar. On the occasion, the Ustad familiarly called Aa Gym emphasized the importance of eliminating diseases of the heart, especially in welcoming Ramadan. He abbreviated the “diseases” as “tengil”, covering arrogance, selfishness, tackiness (in showing off), fierce, envious, and cunning. The solutions were tawadu, giving way to others, like to share, fair, and honest. *

Reported by Artanti Hendriyana / eh

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