Unpad Participate in IDB Group Exhibition in Jakarta Convention Center

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Anes Baswedan saat mengunjungi booth Unpad pada Pameran IDB di Jakarta Convention Center, Senin (16/05). (Foto oleh: Safa Annisaa)*

[Unpad.ac.id, 16/05/2016] Universitas Padjadjaran featured information of The Quality Improvement of Unpad project funded by Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and Indonesian government in Exhibition of Innovative Solutions In Health, Education & Youth Employment, a side event of IDB Group 41st Annual Meeting in Jakarta Convention Center, 15-19 May 2016.

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, Anes Baswedan saat mengunjungi booth Unpad pada Pameran IDB di Jakarta Convention Center, Senin (16/05). (Foto oleh: Safa Annisaa)*
Minister of Education and Culture RI, Anies Baswedan visiting Unpad booth in IDB Exhibition in Jakarta Convention Center, Monday (16/05). (Photo by Safa Annisa)*

Participating in this activity were representatives from 56 country members in IDB Group. Although it has been started since Sunday (15/05), the opening of the annual meeting and the new exhibition was held on Monday (16/05). Participating in the exhibition were 157 participants of IDB Group, product innovation, IDB Project in Indonesia, Ministry of Finance, financial institutions, and infrastructure institutions. In addition to Universitas Padjadjaran, campuses presenting results of IDB projects were UIN Al Alauddin Makassar, UIN Maulanan Malik Ibrahim Malang, Jakarta State University, UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, and MERC UI.

The Quality Improvement of Unpad project funded by IDB consisted of 18 buildings construction in Unpad Jatinangor: Central Library building, Central Laboratory building, three buildings in the Faculty of Nursing, two buildings at Faculty of Agricultural Industrial Technology, two buildings at Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, two buildings at Faculty of Pharmacy, 3 buildings at Faculty of Engineering Geology, and 4 buildings in Faculty of Economics & Business. In addition there Were matching funds from Government of Indonesia, used to improve the quality of human resources and program at Universitas Padjadjaran.

During the exhibition representative of Project Management Unit (PMU) IDB in Unpad, representative of Unpad International Office, and, representative of PR and Protocol Unpad would be accepting questions and discussion requests from the exhibition participants.

Reported by Erman

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