Unpad BUMN Center of Excellence As a Pentahelix Manifestation

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[Unpad.ac.id, 4/05/2016] The establishment of BUMN Center of Excellence (BCE) in Universitas Padjadjaran is currently important for the strengthening of SOEs in Indonesia. The strengthening of these government-owned institutions requires involvement of many parties, one of which of academia in order to solve various problems through scientific viewpoint.

Logo Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence
Logo of Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence

Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business Unpad and also the initiator of the establishment of BCE Prof. Dr. Hj. Ernie Tisnawati Sule, M.Si., said that there are at least three aspects required by SOEs; aspect of the assessment, human resource development, and collaboration. These three aspects have led to the establishment of BCE at Universitas Padjadjaran.

“SOE is the state potential, therefore the state-owned company shall have a competitive edge,” said Prof. Ernie at her office on Wednesday (04/05).

Furthermore, Prof. Ernie said that aspects of the assessment were needed to provide solutions to problems that occur in the body of SOEs. The entire field of science in Unpad is believed to be relevant to the three groups of business fields existing SOEs, namely manufacturing, services, and natural resource management.

“SOEs often faced difficult problems to solve. When they have to make a decision but have no basis in decision-making, then they need the help of a third party. The most prominent ones are the academics, “said Prof. Erni.

For the purposes of this assessment, the BCE will build data storage center. This data center will store various data from 144 state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. This data will be useful and accessible for the benefit of the Ministry of SOEs, research faculty and students, to the interests of the state-owned enterprises themselves.

Meanwhile in terms of human resource development, SOE current pattern has not shown proper human resource development. Some state-owned enterprises, said Prof. Ernie, has made human resource development which could produce a great leader, for example by opening a corporate university and creating its own research center. SOEs that have not made such efforts should be supported through Unpad scientific fields.

In terms of collaboration, Prof. Erni said that the synergy among SOEs has not been quite significant. The role of academia is to encourage SOEs with equivalent productivity to conduct collaboration. “Universities are institutions that can bridge the synergy,” she added.

This collaboration is also important in relation with government discourse to carry out state-owned holding. With this discourse good collaboration among SOEs should be conducted.

“We hope that BCE presence could provide support for SOE to excel and become a center of excellence,” said Prof. Ernie.

The initiation of BCE also received a positive response from the leadership of the Ministry of SOEs and state-owned enterprises. Prof. Ernie said, after its launching on 9 May, it will invite the SOEs elements to jointly strengthen the existing data storage center in BCE.

Of Mutual Benefit
BCE establishment does not only provide benefits for SOEs. This institution provides opportunities for Unpad scientific contribution for state-owned and the country in general. Read also: Unpad Built Unpad-BUMN Center of Excellence.”.

“Many leaders of SOEs went to Unpad, meaning they have received knowledge from us. In addition, we can learn about what is currently happening in the state so that our scientific viewpoint could evolve,” said Prof. Ernie.

On the other hand, cooperation with SOE also provides opportunities for the distribution of Unpad graduates to work in the state company. In addition, the implementation of a public lecture by the head of state-owned enterprises has been a routine.

“This expediency is by no means financial, but rather on its intangible,” she added

The important thing is that BCE establishment becomes implementation of Pentahelix cooperation launched by Unpad. “The core of SOE Center is Pentahelix. In the process of collaboration we always will involve these five pillars, “she said.

Pentahelix is a collaboration involving five elements, namely government, academia, business, community, and media. Pentahelix cooperation was initiated by Unpad to realize the transformative Unpad as a university whose activities may impact the development of the society, as well as establishing cooperation interdependence with various parties. *

Reported by Arief Maulana / eh

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